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🦠 Web API to get COVID-19(coronavirus) information of each prefecture in Japan.
I created this API to help disseminate about the Japanese COVID-19 information. I am updating this API from time to time, so if you have an API you want to add, please let me know!
- 🔁 Update data every 2 hours
- 🚀 Provide REST API
- 🇯🇵 Get info of each prefecture in Japan
- ☕️ Simple data and simple to use
- 📈 Predict for the next 30 days
If your project is not listed here, let us know!
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We have published the Swagger API (
You can see the documentation of this API and/or import it as a Postman collection using this link.
※ 2020/06/18 We have updated the response structure. Please make sure of the response.
"id": 1,
"name_ja": "北海道",
"name_en": "Hokkaido",
"lat": 43.46722222,
"lng": 142.8277778,
"population": 5248552,
"last_updated": {
"cases_date": 20200617,
"deaths_date": 20200617,
"pcr_date": 20200617,
"hospitalize_date": 20200617,
"severe_date": 20200617,
"discharge_date": 20200617,
"symptom_confirming_date": 20200617
"cases": 1176,
"deaths": 91,
"pcr": 17875,
"hospitalize": 126,
"severe": 10,
"discharge": 959,
"symptom_confirming": 0
※ 2020/06/18 We have updated the response structure. Please make sure of the response.
This API includes Quarantine staff data, FLIGHT data and SHIPMENT data.
"date": 20200523,
"pcr": 272095,
"hospitalize": 2450,
"positive": 17248,
"severe": 178,
"discharge": 13895,
"death": 821,
"symptom_confirming": 40
※ 2020/05/24 We have updated the response structure. Please make sure of the response.
This API includes Quarantine staff data, FLIGHT data and SHIPMENT data.
"date": 20200521,
"pcr": 265190,
"hospitalize": 2917,
"positive": 17136,
"severe": 199,
"discharge": 13323,
"death": 790,
"symptomConfirming": 64
"date": 20200522,
"pcr": 269120,
"hospitalize": 2652,
"positive": 17225,
"severe": 180,
"discharge": 13656,
"death": 809,
"symptomConfirming": 66
"date": 20200523,
"pcr": 272095,
"hospitalize": 2450,
"positive": 17248,
"severe": 178,
"discharge": 13895,
"death": 821,
"symptomConfirming": 40
Predict for the next 30 days about the positive total and the death total.
This API includes Quarantine staff data, FLIGHT data and SHIPMENT data.
"date": 20200413,
"positive": 6960.103502394343,
"death": 102.8839324261669
"date": 20200414,
"positive": 7652.287257933034,
"death": 107.84568822992809
"date": 20200415,
"positive": 8413.308833378682,
"death": 113.04673329952118
"date": 20200416,
"positive": 9250.01416438296,
"death": 118.49860777416443
"date": 20200417,
"positive": 10169.930016336322,
"death": 124.21340833627379
"date": 20200418,
"positive": 11181.33169302858,
"death": 130.2038150517223
"date": 20200419,
"positive": 12293.317478949984,
"death": 136.4831195045177
"date": 20200420,
"positive": 13515.89048489476,
"death": 143.06525428832322
Query parameter
- required: prefecture=(jp_name) : Filter by prefecture using jp_name
"code": "",
"announcement_date": "2020-01-24",
"src": "",
"prefecture": "東京都",
"residence_prefecture": "国外(武漢市)",
"age": "40代",
"gender": "男性",
"attribute": "",
"prefecture_number": "東京都1",
"travel_or_contact": "渡航歴",
"detail": "中国(武漢)",
"id": "ID130001",
"diagnosis_date": "",
"onset": "2020/01/14",
"symptom": "1",
"death_or_discharge_date": "",
"comment": "",
"outcome": "1",
"outcome_src": ""
"code": "",
"announcement_date": "2020-01-25",
"src": "",
"prefecture": "東京都",
"residence_prefecture": "国外(武漢市)",
"age": "30代",
"gender": "女性",
"attribute": "",
"prefecture_number": "東京都2",
"travel_or_contact": "渡航歴",
"detail": "中国(武漢)",
"id": "ID130002",
"diagnosis_date": "",
"onset": "2020/01/21",
"symptom": "1",
"death_or_discharge_date": "",
"comment": "",
"outcome": "1",
"outcome_src": ""
This is a statistic of the positives API and does not include data that is not publicly available.
"name_ja": "北海道",
"name_en": "Hokkaido",
"total_count": 239,
"male": {
"count": 137,
"generations_count": {
"00s": 6,
"10s": 1,
"20s": 5,
"30s": 8,
"40s": 19,
"50s": 35,
"60s": 27,
"70s": 19,
"80s": 14,
"90s": 2,
"100s": 0,
"unknown": 1
"female": {
"count": 100,
"generations_count": {
"00s": 1,
"10s": 1,
"20s": 14,
"30s": 10,
"40s": 12,
"50s": 17,
"60s": 15,
"70s": 16,
"80s": 8,
"90s": 4,
"100s": 0,
"unknown": 2
"unknown_gender": {
"count": 2,
"generations_count": {
"00s": 0,
"10s": 0,
"20s": 0,
"30s": 0,
"40s": 0,
"50s": 0,
"60s": 0,
"70s": 0,
"80s": 0,
"90s": 0,
"100s": 0,
"unknown": 2
- Please use flake8 as Lint
- Please don't add /data directory to your commit
- Please PullRequest to master because gitflow is not currently used
Made with contributors-img.
This data was collected by volunteers and may be incorrect. Please refer to the reports of public organizations correctly.