Last build for Massa Mainnet 2.4
Build a massa-node container wich include some automation features from a community image with Massalabs agreements
This image include a script named "/massa-guard/" to:
- Enable/Disable all massa-guard features (Except keys creations) with the "MASSAGUARD" setting in config.ini
- Link node storage files to massa_mount
- Autobuy 1 roll when your node failed and lost his "Active rolls".
- Autobuy X rolls when your MAS amount greater than 100 MAS and if "Active rolls" dont exceed "TARGET_ROLL_AMOUNT", if value set in /massa_mount/config/config.ini.
- Autosell X rolls when "Active rolls" exceed "TARGET_ROLL_AMOUNT", if value set in /massa_mount/config/config.ini.
- Restart node when hang or when ram consumption exceed 90% (Value can be adjust)
- You host your node under a dynamical IP? massa-guard will watch IP change and update your config.toml and push IP updates to massabot.
- Logs actions over /massa_mount/logs/ and backup node logs before restart if necessary.
- Push events over discord Webhook
- Massa-guard will auto create wallet + nodekey + stacke privkey; all with default password "MassaToTheMoon2022".
- Massa-guard auto create your config.toml with your public IP.
- 20241124 - Mainnet - v2.4 - Mainnet - Update to mainnet 2.4
- 20240717 - Mainnet - v2.3 - Mainnet - Update to mainnet 2.3
- 20240622 - Mainnet - v2.2 - Mainnet - Update to mainnet 2.2
- 20240517 - Mainnet - v2.1.1 - Mainnet - Add 0.01 MAS for buy and sell rolls action
- 20240124 - Mainnet - v2.1.0 - Mainnet - v2.1 Ready + Add multiwallets availability + Discord webhook Push logs feature + Deport node storage to massa_mount
- 20240110 - Mainnet - v2.0.0 - Mainnet - v2.0 Ready + Remove useless dependencies + Add multi wallet autobuy features
- 20240105 - Mainnet - v1.0.0 - Mainnet - v1.0 Ready !!! + Change [network] label to [protocol] into new config.toml + ADD RESCUE_MAS_AMOUNT setting into config.ini
- 20240103 - Devnet - v28.2.0 - Devnet - v28.2 Ready
Just create an empty folder to mount into our container /massa_mount path and run! Or restore your wallet(s) and/or nodekey and/or config.toml into this folder if you have it:
- wallet_%%%.dat
- config.toml
- node_privkey.key
/!\ If don't have this file, leave your folder empty, massa-guard will create a wallet and node key and automaticaly stake wallet for you. This files will be backup on your mount point by massa-guard.
/!\ You can define ENV values when you create your container:
- ''MASSAGUARD'' - Set with 1 to enable all massa-guard features or with 0 to disable all features except keys creations (Enable by default without ENV value)
- ''DYNIP'' - Set with "0" if you host under static public IP or "1" if you host under dynimic public IP to enable update IP feature
- ''WALLETPWD'' - Set with "YourCustomPassword" if you want to use a custom wallet password.
- ''NODEPWD'' - Set with "YourCustomPassword" if you want to use a custom node password.
- ''IP'' - Set with "YourIPAddress" if your node have differents publics IPs and you want to set your custom selection. /!\ Please note, this ENV variables have a low priority if a previous config.ini exist in your mount point.
- Example N°1: Container creation example with ENV variables docker argument to restart container with host:
docker run -d -v /%MY_PATH%/massa_mount:/massa_mount -p 31244-31245:31244-31245 -p 33035:33035 --restart unless-stopped --name massa-node rykcod/massa
- Example N°2: Container creation example with ENV variables to run a basical container without massa-guard automation :
docker run -d -v /%MY_PATH%/massa_mount:/massa_mount -p 31244-31245:31244-31245 -p 33035:33035 -e "MASSAGUARD=0" --name massa-node rykcod/massa
- To connect into your container:
docker exec -it massa-node /bin/bash
- Connect to massa-client after container connection:
screen -x massa-client
- Exit screen or container:
[OPTION] To enable or update features after container creation just edit /massa_mount/config/config.ini and set
- Set your ''DYN_PUB_IP'' value to enable dynamical IP management (0=Disable 1=Enable)
- Set your ''TARGET_ROLL_AMOUNT'' value to enable roll amount target to stake for your node (Integer value)
- Set your ''MASSAGUARD'' value to enable or disable massa-guard features 0=Disable 1=Enable (Enable by default)
- Set your ''NODE_LOGS'' value to disable logs files (0=Disable 1=Enable). Default value 1.
- Set your ''RESCUE_MAS_AMOUNT'' value to save capacity to buy a roll if your node going to disqualify. Default value 0.
- Set your ''DISCORD_WEBHOOK'' to push log events to Discord channel with webhook. Default value 0.
- Massa client is running over a "screen" named "massa-client"
- Massa node is running over a "screen" named "massa-node"
- Massa-guard actions and events are logs into %MountPoint%/logs/massa-guard/%DATE%-massa_guard.txt
- Massa-node events are archived after every restart into %MountPoint%/logs/massa-guard/%DATE%-logs.txt
- Create or edit your host /etc/docker/daemon.json to add:
"ipv6": true,
"fixed-cidr-v6": "fd00::/80"
- Restart docker service to reload config setting
- Allow MASQUERADE for ipv6
ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s fd00::/80 ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE
- Create a container which dynamicaly edit your iptables rules for port redirection
docker run -d --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro --cap-drop=ALL --cap-add=NET_RAW --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_MODULE --net=host --name ipv6nat robbertkl/ipv6nat
For more informations and sources - /~
MASSA Address - AU1eNMGrjLTrUoQAhGNqr1ehwhdMCg5L9T3Bjcvfh3D9pswKsDAx