This is a collection of user scripts and user styles for some pages of the donations trackers used by ESA, Benelux Speedrunner Gathering, and United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering.
The source code is distributed under the terms of the MIT Licence. See LICENSE.txt for details.
Dark mode for processing and reading pages with some ESAMarathon trademark purple and yellow colours.
Increase spacing between different buttons to make clicking on them unintentionally less likely.
Hide some UI elements that are not used or are not supposed to be used during donation screening and donation reading.
Minor (personal preference) tweaks for tables on processing and reading pages.
As a precaution for donation screeners, hides buttons which should only be used
by donation readers from the /read_donations
page. Not useful for donation
readers. 😉
Removes linebreaks between UI elements on /process_pending_bids
page to reduce
the amount of vertical space used.
Adds scrollbar to the dropdown menu with the list of events, which is too long on some screens
Adds a "Auto-refresh?" checkbox to the /process_pending_bids
page, similar to
the existing builtin checkbox on /process_donations
Adds following shortcuts to some pages:
– refresh the table, same as button "Refresh"A
– toggle "Auto-refresh" checkbox
If auto-refresh is enabled, notifies the reader or screener about new donations. Remember to allow sound to be played and notifications to be shown in the website settings in your browser. The script keeps track of its settings for each subpage individually.
Reverses the lists of events, so that the most recent events are at the top of the list, which reduces the amount of scrolling needed.
Adds paging links to indexes to make switching to another page easier.
Automatically expands the bids on the page /read_donations
. Saves clicking
through every bid. Beware of layout of the table changing due to bids having
different height and length.
Increases the font-size of donations bigger than 100.
This script automatically turns "Autorefresh" on when all donations were processed or read. It helps people who turn off "Autorefresh" while clicking on the donations, and sometimes forget to turn it back on.
The following scripts are specific to the Benelux Speedrunner Gathering donations tracker, which has slightly different setup.
Forces "regular" processing mode on /process_donations
Converts hardcoded dollar signs into euro signs for events, which gather donations in euros.
BSG's tracker lacks the Autorefresh feature added to ESA's tracker. This script is a client-side replacemenent for that.
- Install browser extensions for user scripts and user styles.
- Click on the link for the user script or user style in the sections above. The corresponding browser extension will automatically recognize the filename extension in the link and prompt you for its installation.
- After installation, you can use the browser extension popup to disable or enable individual scripts and styles if needed. For some scripts, you will need to refresh the page (in browser) to remove effects of the script.
- Recommended:
- Big list of different extensions for different browsers available on
- Recommended – Stylus: