Kafka metrics offset fetcher with some sinks :D
sudo curl -L /~https://github.com/ryarnyah/kafka-offset/releases/download/0.8.4/kafka-offset-linux-amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/kafka-offset && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kafka-offset
$ go get github.com/ryarnyah/kafka-offset
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/ryarnyah
$ git clone /~https://github.com/ryarnyah/kafka-offset $GOPATH/src/github.com/ryarnyah/kafka-offset
$ cd !$
$ make
docker run ryarnyah/kafka-offset-linux-amd64:0.8.4 <option>
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Scrape kafka metrics and send them to some sinks!
Version: 0.8.4
Build: 7a702fe-dirty
-collectd-hostname string
Hostname for collectd plugin
-collectd-interval string
Collectd interval
-elasticsearch-password string
Elasticsearch password
-elasticsearch-sink-index string
Elasticsearch index name (default "metrics")
-elasticsearch-sink-url string
Elasticsearch sink URL (default "http://localhost:9200")
-elasticsearch-username string
Elasticsearch username
-influxdb-addr string
Hostname of influxdb (default "http://localhost:8086")
-influxdb-database string
Influxdb database (default "metrics")
-influxdb-password string
Influxdb user password
-influxdb-retention-policy string
Influxdb retention policy (default "default")
-influxdb-username string
Influxdb username
-kafka-sink-brokers string
Kafka sink brokers (default "localhost:9092")
-kafka-sink-sasl-password string
Kafka SASL password
-kafka-sink-sasl-username string
Kafka SASL username
-kafka-sink-ssl-cacerts string
Kafka SSL cacerts
-kafka-sink-ssl-cert string
Kafka SSL cert
Kafka insecure ssl connection
-kafka-sink-ssl-key string
Kafka SSL key
-kafka-sink-topic string
Kafka topic to send metrics (default "metrics")
-kafka-sink-version string
Kafka sink broker version (default "")
-log-level string
Log level (default "info")
-plugin-cmd string
Command to launch the plugin with arguments (ex: /usr/local/bin/my-plugin --test)
-plugin-name string
Plugin type to use. Only kafka_grpc is supported by now. (default "kafka_grpc")
-plugin-tls-ca-file string
TLS CA file (client trust)
-plugin-tls-cert-file string
TLS certificate file (client trust)
-plugin-tls-cert-key-file string
TLS certificate key file (client trust)
Check TLS certificate against CA File
-profile string
Profile to apply to log (default "prod")
Enable profiling
-profiling-host string
HTTP profiling host:port (default "localhost:6060")
-sink string
Sink to use (log, kafka, elasticsearch, collectd, plugin) (default "log")
-sink-produce-interval duration
Time beetween metrics production (default 1m0s)
-source-brokers string
Kafka source brokers (default "localhost:9092")
-source-kafka-version string
Kafka source broker version (default "")
-source-sasl-password string
Kafka SASL password
-source-sasl-username string
Kafka SASL username
-source-scrape-interval duration
Time beetween scrape kafka metrics (default 1m0s)
-source-ssl-cacerts string
Kafka SSL cacerts
-source-ssl-cert string
Kafka SSL cert
Kafka insecure ssl connection
-source-ssl-key string
Kafka SSL key
Print version
Name | Exposed informations |
kafka_topic_partition |
Number of partitions for this Topic |
kafka_topic_partition_offset_newest |
Newest offset for this Topic/Partition |
kafka_topic_partition_offset_oldest |
Oldest offset for this Topic/Partition |
kafka_leader_topic_partition |
NodeID leader for this Topic/Partition |
kafka_replicas_topic_partition |
Number of replicas for this Topic/Partition |
kafka_in_sync_replicas |
Number of In-Sync Replicas for this Topic/Partition |
kafka_leader_is_preferred_topic_partition |
1 if Topic/Partition is using the Preferred Broker |
kafka_under_replicated_topic_partition |
1 if Topic/Partition is under Replicated |
kafka_consumer_group_lag |
Lag for this Consumer group / Topic |
kafka_consumer_group_latest_offset |
Latest offset for this Consumer group |
kafka_topic_rate |
Rate of Topic production |
kafka_consumer_group_rate |
Rate of this Consumer group consumer on this Topic |
Simple log sink with glog
docker run ryarnyah/kafka-offset-linux-amd64:0.8.4 -sink log -source-brokers localhost:9092
Kafka sink export metrics as JSON format to specified topic. SASL/SSL supported.
docker run ryarnyah/kafka-offset-linux-amd64:0.8.4 -sink kafka -source-brokers localhost:9092 -kafka-sink-brokers localhost:9092 -kafka-sink-topic metrics
Elasticsearch V6 sink export metrics as documents to specified index. Auth supported.
docker run ryarnyah/kafka-offset-linux-amd64:0.8.4 -sink elasticsearch -source-brokers localhost:9092 -elasticsearch-sink-url localhost:9200 -elasticsearch-sink-index metrics
Collectd Exec plugin sink (see deploy/collectd/types.db)
TypesDB "/opt/collectd/share/collectd/kafka/types.db.custom"
<Plugin exec>
Exec nobody "/bin/sh" "-c" "/usr/local/bin/kafka-offset -sink collectd -source-brokers localhost:9092 -log-level panic -source-scrape-interval 10s -sink-produce-interval 10s"
sudo mkdir -p /opt/collectd/share/collectd/kafka/
sudo curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryarnyah/kafka-offset/master/deploy/collectd/types.db -o /opt/collectd/share/collectd/kafka/types.db.custom
InfluxDB sink export metrics to specified database (must exist) with default retention.
docker run ryarnyah/kafka-offset-linux-amd64:0.8.4 -sink influxdb -source-brokers localhost:9092 -influxdb-addr http://localhost:8086
Plugin sink to implement your own go-plugin sink.
package main
import (
type StdoutSink struct{}
func (s StdoutSink) WriteKafkaMetrics(m []interface{}) error {
for _, metric := range m {
switch metric := metric.(type) {
case metrics.KafkaMeter:
case metrics.KafkaGauge:
return nil
func (StdoutSink) kafkaMeter(metric metrics.KafkaMeter) {
logrus.Infof("offsetMetrics %+v", metric)
func (StdoutSink) kafkaGauge(metric metrics.KafkaGauge) {
logrus.Infof("consumerGroupOffsetMetrics %+v", metric)
func main() {
HandshakeConfig: shared.Handshake,
Plugins: map[string]plugin.Plugin{
"kafka_grpc": &shared.KafkaGRPCPlugin{Impl: &StdoutSink{}},
GRPCServer: plugin.DefaultGRPCServer,
To run it:
docker run ryarnyah/kafka-offset-linux-amd64:0.8.4 -sink plugin -source-brokers localhost:9092 -plugin-cmd "/plugins/my-plugin arg1 arg2"