Use at your own risk. Bounced tokens get burnt if you use the default address.
Welcome to the Token Bouncer! This application automatically monitors a wallet for blacklisted token IDs and bounces them (sends to another address). Checks for the blacklisted token IDs happen every 5 minutes. It will keep unwanted tokens out of your wallet!
Token Bouncer uses ThierryM1212's fantastic Ergo Wallet CLI to interact with the Ergo Blockchain.
- Clone the repository and enter the directory:
git clone /~
cd token-bouncer
- Ensure Docker is installed on your system then, build the image with:
docker build -t bouncer .
- Then to start the container:
docker run -p 5000:5000 -d --name token-bouncer bouncer
- Navigate to the web ui at
- Enter your mnemonic in the provided field below and click "Set Mnemonic".
- Enter the Token ID's you want to bounce separated by commas (like this: tokenid, tokenid, tokenid) in the field below and click "Set Token IDs".
- If you wish to use an address other than the default bounce address, set it in the "New Bounce Address" field.
- The app will begin monitoring the address when the mnemonic is set.