List of example projects with Jets. Projects are submodules in the examples folder. To check out the all projects locally:
git clone /~
cd jets-examples
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Api
- Backup Route53
- Codebuild
- Commands
- Config Rules
- Crud Api
- Crud Html
- Demo Crud
- Demo Rails Api
- Demo Rails
- Dynamodb
- Events Cloudwatch Log
- Events Cloudwatch Rule
- Events Dynamodb
- Events Iot Button
- Events Kinesis
- Events S3
- Events Sns
- Events Sqs
- Hello World
- Mega Demo
- Postgresql
- Routes Mount
- Slack Command
- Sns To Sqs
- Sqs Dead Letter
- Upload Images
Fork the repo and create a pull request.
To add your project as a submodule:
git submodule add /~ examples/my_project
There's a command to update the readme projects list:
rake readme
If you find Jets interesting, please it a GitHub star tongueroo/jets. It helps others find out about the project. I'd appreciate it!