This is a 11ty starter template with the following features:
- Bootstrap as CSS framework.
- Parcel as bundler.
- Saas as CSS preprocessor.
- jQuery as JavaScript library.
- Handlebars as templating engine.
The template has several pages with demos and links to other packages documentation:
- Flickity: responsive slider.
- Simple parallax: parallax images.
- AOS: animate on scroll.
- Fitvids: responsive video embeds.
- Magnific Popup: popups.
- 11ty data example.
- 11ty collection example.
- 11ty layout example.
- Handlebars partials example.
- Responsive hamburguer menu.
- Font Awesome icons.
- Cookie consent.
# runs the app in the development mode.
npm start
Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.
# builds a static copy of your site to the `_site_/` folder.
npm run build
You can visit the deployed proyect here