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Hospital Appointment System is a web application tablet version, this application was build using ROR and React & Redux the latest version, includes the ability to register new users, login into the application creating a token session, when we are logged in the application we can select a service (Surgery, Medicine and others), each of the options show different doctors and their attendance availability, finally we can create an appointment for a specific date and service.
- Create a new user
- Login with token generation
- Show a list of services as a menu
- Show carousel list of doctor for each service
- Show availability for each doctor
- Create new appointment
- List of appointment by patient
This project was built using React and Redux, Ruby and Rails API, it is a web application and for running on your local environment you should follow these guidelines.
- Ruby & Rails
- React & Redux
- Git
- React Testing Library
- CSS modules
- React Hooks
- Styled components
- Axios
The project repository can be found in GitHub link or just clone the project using this command.
Using SSH
# git clone git@github.com:rubenpazch/appointment-view.git
# git clone /~https://github.com/rubenpazch/appointment-view.git
- Open terminal on your workspace with
cd /home/workspace/appointment-view
To get started with the app, clone the repo, and then install the needed packages using yarn or npm:
# npm install or yarn install
to start the local application run:
# npm start
To watch the local version of this project check on your browser for the link
Listening on tcp://
Run the test suite to verify that everything is working correctly:
# npm test
If the test suite passes, you'll be ready to run the app in a local server:
To deploy to netlify just push your changes and create a new project inside netlify, the link your account with github, remenber that you can use
npm run build or yarn build
- For this project it was
- stylelint
- React Testing Library
- CSS modules
- React Hooks
click on the link to watch live version
click on the link to watch project description video 1
This project was created for educational purposes as part of the Microverse web development curriculum; contributing is not accepted.
Feel free to check the issues page.
👤 Ruben Paz Chuspe
- Github: @rubenpazch
- Linkedin: rubenpch
- Twitter: @ChuspePaz
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details