🔴 Just another Android Port of Fclone - ARM64 version
🔷 Fclone is just another Tool like Autorclone/Folderclone/Gclone to bypass the 750GB limit by google (more optimised for speed)
Install Termux - Remember to enable Storage Permission by going to settings
Install Python & Git In Termux
pkg install python git
Downloaded Service Accounts (SAs) - Generate them using Autorclone or Folderclone
Android Friendly Guide for Autorclone - Follow this
- Run the code in your Termux - It will install Fclone
mkdir /sdcard/fclone/ && git clone /~https://github.com/roshanconnor123/fclone_android && mv fclone_android/fclone /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/ && chmod 777 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/fclone && mv fclone_android/fc.py /sdcard/fclone/ && fclone version
You can see that a new Folder called fclone is created in your internal storage
Copy the accounts Folder from our Autorclone/Folderclone Folder (Which you had setup in your Phone or PC before) and Paste it in newly created fclone Folder in your Internal Storage
Open accounts Folder and Rename any one of the jsons as
Just run this command everytime in your termux
cd /sdcard/fclone && python fc.py
Now Follow what you see in you screen and choose what you wish to do - Copy,Move etc
👧 EK
👨 Krishne
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details