HTTP proxy with per-request uTLS fingerprint mimicry and upstream proxy tunneling. Currently WIP.
Built on top of uTLS and goproxy. Inspired by ja3proxy.
git clone /~
cd ja3proxy
go build
# Start proxy
./tlsproxy -client Chrome-120
# Make requests
curl --cacert cert.pem --proxy http://localhost:8080
Pre-built binaries are available in the Releases section.
docker run \
-v ./credentials:/app/credentials \
-p 8080:8080 \ \
-cert /app/credentials/cert.pem \
-key /app/credentials/key.pem \
-client Chrome-120
See compose.yaml
docker compose up -d
Usage of ./tlsproxy:
-addr string
Proxy listen address
-cert string
TLS CA certificate (generated automatically if not present) (default "cert.pem")
-client string
Default utls clientHelloID (can be overriden through x-tlsproxy-client header) (default "Chrome-120")
-key string
TLS CA key (generated automatically if not present) (default "key.pem")
-port string
Proxy listen port (default "8080")
-upstream string
Default upstream proxy prefixed by "socks5://" (can be overriden through x-tlsproxy-upstream header)
Enable verbose logging