This project allows you to visualize the actions of philosophers in the dining philosophers problem in the form of a Gantt chart. The actions (eating, thinking, sleeping) are extracted from logs and displayed interactively.
- Visualization of philosophers' actions with colored bars.
- Interactive zoom on the chart.
- Legend to understand the different actions.
- Log input via a text field to generate the chart.
- Copy and paste the philosophers' logs into the text field.
- Click on "Generate Chart" to generate the Gantt chart.
- Use the zoom slider to adjust the scale of the chart.
The logs should be formatted as follows:
<timestamp> <philosopher_number> <action>
For example:
0 1 has taken a fork
0 1 is eating
200 1 is sleeping
200 2 has taken a fork
200 2 is eating
400 1 is thinking
400 2 is sleeping
400 1 has taken a fork
400 1 is eating
600 1 is sleeping
600 2 is thinking
600 2 has taken a fork
600 2 is eating