SNARKs can generate succinct proofs for large computations, which are much faster and computationally easier to verify than they are to compute. This provides a way to "compress" expensive operations by computing them off-chain in a SNARK, and then only verifying the proof on-chain.
RollupNC is an implementation of rollup in which the relayer does not publish transaction data to the main chain, but only publishes the new Merkle root at every update. This provides gas savings but not data availability guarantees: we assume the operator will always provide data to users so they can update their leaf.
NB: it is trivial to change this implementation back to the original rollup, since it simply involves switching the private
circuit inputs to public
- Install node version 10.16.0, possibly using nvm
- Install truffle and ganache-cli bash $ npm install -g truffle ganache-cli
- Install submodules: use
git submodule update --init --recursive
to clonecircomlib
submodule - Install npm modules (
npm i
) in both root directory andcircomlib
submodule - Check out this circom intro
: depth of balance Merkle treetx_depth
: depth of transaction Merkle tree
eddsa_prvKey: string //"biginteger"
class eddsa_pubKey = {
X: string // "biginteger",
Y: string // "biginteger"
class eddsa_signature = {
R8: string[2] // "biginteger",
S: string // "biginteger"
class Account = {
pubKey: eddsa_pubKey,
balance: integer,
nonce: integer,
token_type: integer
account_leaf = hash([pubKey, balance, nonce, token_type])
The Accounts Merkle tree has depth bal_depth
and 2^bal_depth
accounts as its leaves. The first leaf (index 0
) is reserved as the zero_leaf
. Transactions made to the zero_leaf
are considered withdraw
s. The second leaf (index 1
) is reserved as a known operator leaf. This account can be used to make zero transactions when we need to pad inputs to the circuit.
For convenience, we also cache the empty accounts tree when initialising rollupNC.
zeroCache = string[bal_depth] //"biginteger"
class Transaction = {
from: eddsa_pubKey,
fromIndex: integer,
to: eddsa_pubKey,
amount: integer,
nonce: integer,
token_type: integer
TODO: implement atomic swaps and fees fields in Transfer
tx_leaf = hash([from_pubKey, to_pubKey, amount, nonce, token_type])
For each SNARK, we construct a Transactions Merkle tree, whose leaves are the transactions processed by the SNARK.
The user sends deposit
and withdraw
transactions directly to the smart contract, and all other normal transactions to the off-chain coordinator.
- User calls
deposit(eddsa_pubkey, amount, tokenType)
on smart contract. Thedeposit()
(global variable in smart contract) -
[eddsa_pubkey, amount, nonce = 0, tokenType]
to get thedeposit_leaf
) -
deposits_array = []
deposits_array = [A] // Alice deposits, pushed to deposits_array
deposits_array = [A, B] // Bob deposits, pushed to deposits_array
- hash deposit array into on-chain Merkle root,
deposits_array = [hash(A, B)] // Bob hashes Alice's deposit and his own
deposits_array = [hash(A, B), C] // Charlie deposits, pushed to deposits_array
deposits_array = [hash(A, B), C, D] // Daenerys deposits
deposits_array = [hash(A, B), hash(C, D)] // Daenerys hashes Charlie's deposit and her own
deposits_array = [hash(hash(A, B), hash(C, D))] // Daenerys hashes H(A,B) and H(C,D)
Notice that the number of times a user has to hash deposits_array
is equal to the number of times her deposit_queue_number
can be divided by 2. Also, the first element of deposits_array
is the root of the tallest perfect deposit subtree at any given point.
- Coordinator inserts deposit root into balance tree at
prove that balance tree was empty at
: providedeposit_proof
to smart contract, a Merkle proof showing inclusion of an empty inner node atdeposit_tree.height
) in the current state root -
update balance root on-chain: using same
, update the balance root replacing the empty inner node with the first element ofdeposits_array
. (NB: the first element ofdeposits_array
is the root of the tallest perfect deposit subtree.)
User constructs
object -
User hashes
object UsemultiHash
in /~
txHash = multiHash([from, to, amount, nonce, token_type]) //"biginteger"
- User signs hash of
object UsesignMiMC
in /~
signature = signMiMC(prvKey, txHash)
User submits proof of inclusion of withdraw tx on-chain Merkle proof of a transaction in a tx tree, made from user's EdDSA account to the zero address
User EdDSA signs message specifying recipient's Ethereum address
User submits SNARK proof of EdDSA signature to smart contract
The prover collects transactions from users and puts them through a SNARK circuit, which outputs a SNARK proof. She then submits the SNARK proof to the smart contract to update the Accounts tree root on-chain.
: Merkle root of a tree of transactions sent to the coordinatorcurrent_state
: Merkle root of old Accounts treeout
: Merkle root of updated Accounts tree
The circuit is a giant for
loop that performs a few validity checks on each transaction and updates the Accounts tree if the transaction is valid. It takes in the original root of the Accounts tree and a list of transactions, and outputs a legally updated root of the Accounts tree.
Let's go through the first iteration of the for
- transaction check
- transactions existence check: check that transaction exists in the
- transactions signature check: check that transaction is signed by sender
- transactions existence check: check that transaction exists in the
- sender check
- sender account existence check: check that sender account exists in
- balance underflow check: check that sender has sufficient balance to send transaction
- sender account existence check: check that sender account exists in
- sender update
- sender state update: decrement sender
and increase sendernonce
- intermediate root update #1: update
with new sender leaf to getintermediate_root_1
- sender state update: decrement sender
- receiver check
- receiver account existence check: check that receiver account exists in
- receiver account existence check: check that receiver account exists in
- receiver update
- receiver state update: increment receiver
- intermediate root update #2: update
with new receiver leaf to getintermediate_root_2
- receiver state update: increment receiver
Note: there is a special transaction where the receiver is the zero_leaf
. We consider these to be withdraw
transactions and do not change the balance and nonce of the zero_leaf
: depth of Accounts tree (bal_depth
: depth of Transactions tree (tx_depth
intermediate_roots[2**(m+1) + 1]
: the roots of the Accounts tree after processing each transaction. There are2*2^m + 1
intermediate roots because each transaction results in two updates (once to update the sender account, and then to update the receiver account), and we also include the original root at the beginning (before updating any account)
sender and receiver addresses
: the sender address x coordinate for each transactionfrom_y[2**m]
: the sender address y coordinate for each transactionfrom_index[2**m]
: the sender leaf index in the Merkle treeto_x[2**m]
: the receiver address x coordinate for each transactionto_y[2**m]
: the receiver address y coordinate for each transaction
signature from sender
: the x component of the R8 value of the sender's signature, for each transactionR8y[2**m]
: the y component of the R8 value of the sender's signature, for each transactionS[2**m]
: the S value of the sender's signature, for each transaction
sender and receiver state
: the nonce of the sender account, for each transactionnonce_to[2**m]
: the nonce of the receiver account, for each transactiontoken_balance_from[2**m]
: the balance of the sender account, for each transactiontoken_balance_to[2**m]
: the balance of the receiver account, for each transaction
amount and token type being transacted
: amount being transferred, for each transactiontoken_type_from[2**m]
: the sender account token type, for each transactiontoken_type_to[2**m]
: the receiver account token type, for each transaction
paths2tx_root[2**m, m]
: Merkle proofs of inclusion (m
long, since the Transactions tree has depthm
) for the transactions (2^m
of them)`paths2tx_root_pos[2**m, m]
: a binary vector for each transfer indicating whether each node in its transfer proof is the left or right child
paths2root_from[2**m, n]
: Merkle proofs of inclusion (n
long, since the Accounts tree has depthn
) for the sender accounts (2^m
of them)paths2root_from_pos[2**m, n]
: a binary vector for each sender account indicating whether each node in its transfer proof is the left or right childpaths2root_to[2**m, n]
: Merkle proofs of inclusion (n
long, since the Accounts tree has depthn
) for the receiver accounts (2^m
of them)paths2root_to_pos[2**m, n]
: a binary vector for each receiver account indicating whether each node in its transfer proof is the left or right child