The commands I'm using to complement SourceTree via Custom Actions
Change your current directory to $HOME/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/
# macos
cd "$HOME/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/"
# or, in Windows
# cd "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\"
So, git clone (or download) this repository there:
git clone \
/~ \
Then, go to SourceTree, Preferences -> Custom Actions -> Add
, filling the options like this:
- Menu Caption: a custom name for that action;
- [x] Show Full Ouput: mark it;
- Script to run: navigate to
$HOME/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/scripts
folder (in macos or, in Windows,%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\
) and pick the one you are setting up;
And it's done! Remember that you need to do this process to each of the scripts you want to use as a Custom Action in your machine.
You can download latest zip, or run the following command:
# macos
CWD=`pwd` && \
cd "$HOME/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/scripts" && \
git pull && \
cd $CWD
# or, in Windows
# set "CWD=%CD%" & cd /d "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\scripts" & git pull & cd /d "%CWD%"
So, you get the latest versions of the scripts.
While working in your repositories as normal in SourceTree, go to Actions -> Custom Actions
and pick the one you want to use.
I suggest you adding the folder $HOME/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/scripts/bin
in your $PATH
environment variable (in macos or, in Windows, %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\
to %PATH%
). This way, you can use the same scripts via CLI just calling script name, instead of needing to type the full path to each script.
In case you are using bash
as your shell, you can do this:
echo \
'export PATH=$PATH:"$HOME/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/scripts/bin"' \
>> ~/.bashrc && \
source ~/.bashrc
Otherwise, here is the syntax if your shell is zsh
echo \
'export PATH=$PATH:"$HOME/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/scripts/bin"' \
>> ~/.zshrc && \
source ~/.zshrc
Remember to make scripts executable:
find "$HOME/Library/Application Support/SourceTree/scripts/bin/" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod +x
After that, you can run any of the scripts via CLI no matter inside what directory you are, example of running git-push-master-to-all-remotes
# or
git push-master-to-all-remotes