Light bindings around Postgres libpq
This is tested with zig 0.8
Installing libpq
on debian linux
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
There is also native zig client in pre-alpha status /~
Example of importing and using /~
Running examples or tests requires db
url attribute, for example
zig build test -Ddb=postgresql://db_url/mydb
const Pg = @import("postgres").Pg;
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = &gpa.allocator;
defer std.debug.assert(!gpa.deinit());
var db = try Pg.connect(allocator, "postgresql://root@postgresURL:26257?sslmode=disable");
const schema =
\\CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id INT, name TEXT, age INT);
_ = try db.exec(schema);
Be mindful that this query, uses struct name
as lowercase letters for table
const Users = struct {
id: i16,
name: []const u8,
age: i16,
_ = try db.insert(Users{ .id = 1, .name = "Charlie", .age = 20 });
_ = try db.insert(Users{ .id = 2, .name = "Steve", .age = 25 });
_ = try db.insert(Users{ .id = 3, .name = "Karl", .age = 25 });
_ = try db.insert(&[_]Users{
Users{ .id = 4, .name = "Tony", .age = 25 },
Users{ .id = 5, .name = "Sara", .age = 32 },
Users{ .id = 6, .name = "Fred", .age = 11 },
_ = try db.execValues("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = {s}", .{"Charlie"});
_ = try db.execValues("INSERT INTO users (id, name, age) VALUES ({d}, {s}, {d})", .{ 5, "Tom", 32 });
var result = try db.execValues("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = {d}", .{2});
var user = result.parse(Users, null).?;
print("{d} \n", .{});
print("{s} \n", .{});
var results = try db.execValues("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = {d}", .{25});
while (results.parse(Users, null)) |user| {
print("{s} \n", .{});
var result = try db.execValues("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = {s}", .{"Charlie"});
var user = result.parse(Users, null}).?;
if(user) print("{s} \n", .{});
Many thanks for this repository