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1. Introduction

2. Installation

3. Usage

4. Further info

1. Introduction

This repository contains the python sources of the Multi-Band Excited WaveNet Neural vocoder, a neural vocoder allowing mel spectrogram inversion for speech and singing voices with varying identities, languages, and voice qualities.

The code and models in this repository are demonstrations of the MBExWN vocoder. For technical details please see this paper

The MBExWN vocoder is rather efficient and allows inverting mel spectrogams faster than real time on a single core of a Laptop CPU. The vocoder generates a near transparent audio quality for a variety of voice identities (speakers and singers), languages, and voice qualities. The audio sample rate of the generated files is 24kHz.

1.1 Motivation

To facilitate research into voice attribute manipulation and multi speaker synthesis using the mel spectrogram as voice representation, the present repository distributes inference scripts together with the three trained models denoted MW-SI-FD, MW-SP-FD, and MW-VO-FD in the paper mentioned above. An application for transposition of speech and singing signals using an auto encoder with bottleneck has been investigated in this compagnon paper.

1.2 Demo Sounds

Please see here for results obtained with a previous version of the MBExWN vocoder. The demo page constains examples for the models trained exclusively either on spoken voice or singing voice. If time allows I may add addtional examples for the vocoder trained jointly on spoken and singing voice data. As discussed in the paper, in case you work with spoken voice, you better use the spoken voice model, and in case you are working with singing voice, you best use the mixed model, because adding spoken voice to the training data slightly improves the voice quality for (the irregular voice components in) singing.

As an example of a real world application of the vocoder on unseen speakers you may listen to the artificial voice in a deep fake interview of the famous french singer Dalida for that we used a DNN for voice reenactement that converted the mel spectrogramms of the voice of the actress playing Dalida into the mel spectrograms that of the voice of Dalida, followed by th MBExWN vocoder (which was not trained on Dalida's voice). For another example see the reenactment of the voice of the french General de Gaulle delivering his famous Appeal of 18 June 1940 for that no original recoding exist.

As another example listen to a presentation of the results using the bottleneck encoder for transposing singing voices in the context of the recreation of an artificial version of the voice of the castrato singer Farinelli. For this work we used the MBExWN model trained on speech and singing voices.

2. Installation

The MBExWN Vocoder can be run directly from the source directory or installed via pip (to be done)

In case you want to run it from the source directory you need to first download and install the pretrained models using the script in the scripts directory.

Then you need to make sure you have all necessary dependencies installed.

-    pyyaml
-    scipy
-    numpy
-    tensorflow=>2.5
-    librosa>=0.8.0
-    pysndfile
-    matplotlib

You can install these by means of

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

2.1 Pretrained models

Due to the download size limitations on github we do not include the pretrained models within the repos. The prepretrained models are available via a separate download link. These can be installed by means of running the shell script


We gratefully acknowledge the support of GENCI that made it possible to train the models on the super computer jean-zay.

3. Usage

3.1 Generating mel spectrograms

The input format of the MBExWN vocoder are 80 channel mel spectrograms with frame rate of 80 Hz. To generate these mel spectograms you can use the script ./bin/ as follows

./bin/  -o OUTPUT_DIR input_audio_file [input_audio_file ...]

after running this command you will find the mel spectrograms in the directory OUTPUT_DIR. For each input file you will find a pickled data file with the same basename and the extension replaced by means of mell. The pickled data files contain python dicts that have keys for all analysis parameters as well as for the mel specrogram itself.

These files are can be read by the two further scripts that allow

  • recreating sounds from a mel spectrogram, as well as
  • visualizing a mel spectrogram

3.2 Performing mel inversion

3.2.1 Command line

The resynthesis of sound files from a mel spectrograms stored in a pickle files is performed by means of the script ./bin/ Assume you have a sound file test.wav you can perform an analysis/resynthesis cycle by means of

./bin/  -o OUTPUT_DIR test.wav
./bin/ VOICE -i OUTPUT_DIR/test.mell -o OUTPUT_DIR --format wav

This will create a the files OUTPUT_DIR/test.mell and subsequenctly OUTPUT_DIR/syn_test.wav. The output soundfile name is derived from the input mel file name by means of replacing the extension according to the sound file format, and adding a prefix syn_. By default the generated sound file format is flac but as shown above the output format can be changed. The sample rate of the output sound is always 24kHz.

The first parameter given to selects one of the three pretrained MBExWN models that are discussed in the paper. If no model is selected *the lists all available models. Currently the following models are available:


To select a model you don't need to provide the full model specification. Any sub string of the model name will be sufficient. Accordingly, the specification VOICE in the example above selects the third model. The search of models is performed in the order of the list and the first model containing the string in the model name is selected. Currently, the three model names starting with the strings
SING, SPEECH and VOICE correspond to the three models MW-SI-FD, MW-SP-FD, and MW-VO-FD from the paper respectively.

By default will run on the CPU limiting the number of thread to 2. This default configuration can be changed using the following two command line arguments:

  --num_threads NUM_THREADS : selects the number of cpu threads (Default: 2)
  --use_gpu                 : performs the inference on the gpu

Please see --help for other command line arguments.

3.2.2 Python package

You may also use MBExWN as a python package. The principale operation is as fllows

# import the class
from MBExWN_NVoc import mel_inverter, list_models, mbexwn_version
from MBExWN_NVoc.fileio import iovar as iov

# instantiate, giving as argument a model_id, which is the same string you use to select a model on the command line
# with resynth_mel
MelInv = mel_inverter.MELInverter(model_id_or_path=model_id)
# load mel spectrogram from a file 
dd = iov.load_var(mell_file)
# properly scale the mel spectrogram, scale_mel need the full dictionary to know the 
# analysis parameters that have been used to generate the mell spectrogram
log_mel_spectrogram = MelInv.scale_mel(dd, verbose=verbose)
# synthesize the audio
syn_audio = MelInv.synth_from_mel(log_mel_spectrogram)

For an example please see the source code of the script resynth_mel.

4. Further info

4.1 Computational costs

The mel inverter is sufficiently efficient to perform resynthesis from mel spectrograms two times faster than real-time on a single core of a Laptop CPU.

On a GPU the vocoder achieves audio synthesis up to 200 times faster than real time. Note that tensorflow up to version 2.8 is apparently performing an automatic selection of the best performing kernel each time a new shape of a Conv1D or Conv2D operator is encountered. Therefore, MBExWN will only achieve optimal efficiency whenever the shape of a signal is encountered for the second time (see here for more information).

4.2 How to cite

In case you use the code or the models for your own work please cite

Roebel, Axel, and Frederik Bous. 2022. 
   "Neural Vocoding for Singing and Speaking Voices with the Multi-Band Excited WaveNet" 
   Information 13, no. 3: 103. 

4.3 Acknowledgements

This research was funded by ANR project ARS, grant number ANR-19-CE38-0001-01 and computation were performed using HPC resources from GENCI-IDRIS (Grant 2021-AD011011177R1).

Thanks to

  • TensorflowTTS from which the MBExWN implementation has gathered an initial version of the PQMF implementation in MBExWN_NVoc/vocoder/model/

  • Magenta DDSP from which the MBExWN implementation has gathered the method PulseWaveTable.stable_cumsum_and_wrap in MBExWN_NVoc/vocoder/model/

4.4 ChangeLog

  • Version 1.2.3 (2022/06/10)

    • Fixed uninitialized variable.
    • Fixed missing import
  • Version 1.2.2 (2022/04/10)

    • fixed display of mel spectrogram differences when mel spectra do not have exactly the same number of frames.
    • Fixed errors in function documentation.
  • Version 1.2.1 (2022/03/23)

    • Fixed many problems with missing imports.
    • More consistent behavior for model selection with the command line scipts.
  • Version 1.2.0 (2022/03/05)

    • Initial release.

4.5 Copyright

Copyright (c) 2022 IRCAM



The Multi-band Excited WaveNet







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