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status: can't reproduce
status: can't reproduce
Unable to reproduce problem
status: dismissed
status: dismissed
We decided not to fix the issue for some reason
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
Already addressed by another issue or pull request
status: merged manually
status: merged manually
PR was closed and commits from it were merged or cherry-picked manually
status: moved
status: moved
Transitioned to another issue or pull request
status: needs rebase
status: needs rebase
Pull request has conflicts and should be rebased
status: needs revision
status: needs revision
Author should revise PR and address requested changes
status: not a bug
status: not a bug
Working as intended, nothing to fix
status: postponed
status: postponed
We decided to postpone the issue for an indefinite period
status: ready for review
status: ready for review
Pull request can be reviewed
status: review in progress
status: review in progress
Pull request is being reviewed
status: stalled
status: stalled
A pull-request or issue is abandoned
status: waiting reply
status: waiting reply
Waiting for response from issue or PR author
status: work in progress
status: work in progress
Pull request is still in progress and changing
user report
user report
A bug-report or a feature-request by someone else except maintainers