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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

category: algorithms
category: algorithms
Task related to algorithms and data structures
category: android
category: android
Task related to Android development
category: benchmarks
category: benchmarks
Task for performance benchmarks
category: build system
category: build system
Task related to build scripts
category: c api
category: c api
Task affects public C API
category: codecs
category: codecs
Task related to audio and FEC codecs
category: command-line
category: command-line
Task related to command-line tools
category: continuous integration
category: continuous integration
Task related to continuous integration
category: documentation
category: documentation
Task for documentation improvements
category: dsp
category: dsp
Task related to digital sound processing
category: networking
category: networking
Task related to network I/O
category: packaging
category: packaging
Task related to packaging scripts
category: performance
category: performance
Task for profiling and optimizations
category: portability
category: portability
Task related to cross-platform support
category: pulseaudio modules
category: pulseaudio modules
Task related to Roc PulseAudio modules
category: refactoring
category: refactoring
Task for refactoring
category: rt-tests
category: rt-tests
Task related to real-time tests
category: security
category: security
Task related to security or encryption
category: signal-estimator
category: signal-estimator
Task for singnal-estimator tool
category: sound io
category: sound io
Task related to audio I/O
category: system
category: system
Task related to low-level system-specific stuff
category: tests
category: tests
Task for writing or improving tests
category: tooling
category: tooling
Task for improving developer tools
Pull-request by someone else except maintainers
easy hacks
easy hacks
Solution is expected to be straightforward even if you are new to the project
feature request
feature request
Feature requested by user
Pull request is not merged yet, but approved for Hacktoberfest
help wanted
help wanted
An important and awaited task but we have no human resources for it yet
Malformed or low-quality PR or spam
This issue is needed most among other help-wanted issues