This is the official repository of the RoboCupJunior Soccer Simulator. The simulator is based on Webots and this repository provides both the "automatic referee" (which implements the Soccer Simulated Rules) as well as a sample simulated team of robots with some basic strategy.
Learn more in the documentation.
Install Python 3.7 (or higher) 64 bit from the official website (please make sure it is version 3.7 or higher for Windows, and 3.8 or higher if installing on MacOS or Linux). On Windows, please make sure your Python is referenced in Windows PATH by selecting the option "Add Python 3.x to PATH" during the installation. Check out this great installation guide if you need some help!
Download Webots from their official website. Currently, version R2023b is stable with the Soccer Simulator. You can find detailed installation procedure on the official Webots Installation guide.
Clone the rcj-soccersim repository to your computer by downloading the ZIP file from here or running
git clone /~
Finally, run Webots, go to
Tools > Preferences > Python command
and set it topython
to point Webots to Python 3. Depending on your system, the reference to Python 3 can be via the commandpython
. More information on how to configure Webots to work with Python can be found here.
Use Webots to open the downloaded
world located in theworlds
directory (viaFile > Open World
) -
Run/pause the simulation by clicking the corresponding buttons on the top-part of Webots window. Note that the controllers that are responsible for the various robots on the field can be found in the
A specific webots
world can be executed directly from the command line as
webots --mode=run worlds/soccer.wbt
Which allows for at least some automation. Further info can be found in the docs.
The sample players as well as the "automatic referee" are implemented in Python, which should allow for easily updating the code to match the rules and avoid any compilation issues.
We are open to contributions! Have a look at our issues.
Before you make a pull request, make sure the code is formatted
with black
and isort
, and flake8
issues are fixed.
To do so, follow these steps:
- Create virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
- Install
by runningpip install pip-tools
- Install development modules
pip-sync requirements/development.txt
- Setup pre-commit hook
pre-commit install
. This hook will not allow you to commit in case one of the checkers raises an error. - In order format the code, run the formatters in this order
isort .
black .
- Manually fix error raised by
flake8 .
Dependencies for development are managed by pip-tools. To compile current dependencies run
$ pip-compile -o requirements/development.txt requirements/
In order to update dependencies, use --upgrade