Releases: robert-koch-institut/mex-model
Releases · robert-koch-institut/mex-model
What's Changed
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #197
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.13 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #198
- Bump cookiecutter template to 8bdad0 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #199
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #200
- feature/update patterns with examples by @cutoffthetop in #201
Full Changelog: 3.5.2...3.5.3
What's Changed
- Update dependency pdm to v2.22.3 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #190
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #191
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.11 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #192
- Bump cookiecutter template to 5446da by @RKIMetadataExchange in #193
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #194
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.12 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #195
- feature/mx-1739 expand pattern for DOI urls by @esinsj in #196
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.5.1...3.5.2
What's Changed
- hotfix/make altLabel property for vocabularies always a list by @cutoffthetop in #189
Full Changelog: 3.5.0...3.5.1
What's Changed
- Update dependency pdm to v2.22.1 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #176
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #175
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.7 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #177
- Update dependency cruft to v2.16.0 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #178
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #179
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.8 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #180
- Bump cookiecutter template to 57e9b7 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #181
- Update dependency pdm to v2.22.2 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #182
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #183
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.9 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #184
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.10 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #185
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #186
- Update dependency pre-commit to v4.1.0 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #187
- feature/mx-1736 add new vocab items and altLabels to existing mimeTypes by @fdiehr in #154
- feature/mx-1709 fix gnd-id pattern by @cutoffthetop in #188
Full Changelog: 3.4.0...3.5.0
What's Changed
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.3 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #164
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #165
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #167
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.5 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #168
- Update dependency wheel to v0.45.1 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #166
- Update dependency pdm to v2.21.0 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #169
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #170
- Lock file maintenance by @RKIMetadataExchange in #172
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.6 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #173
- Update dependency pdm to v2.22.0 by @RKIMetadataExchange in #171
- changed the type of the title field in distribution to be a text field by @fdiehr in #174
Full Changelog: 3.3.2...3.4.0
Full Changelog: 3.3.1...3.3.2
Full Changelog: 3.3.0...3.3.1