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RingCentral Client

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RingCentral Developers is a cloud communications platform which can be accessed via more than 70 APIs. The platform's main capabilities include technologies that enable: Voice, SMS/MMS, Fax, Glip Team Messaging, Data and Configurations.

API Reference and APIs Explorer.


This is a library implemented in TypeScript which provides convenient APIs for TypeScript and JavaScript developers to access RingCentral webservice(

Table of contents

Getting started


npm install ringcentral-client --save
npm install @ringcentral/sdk     # Install the peerDependency

yarn add ringcentral-client @ringcentral/sdk

Import the module

In Typescript or ES6 (Recommended)

import RingCentralClient, {SERVER_SANDBOX} from "ringcentral-client";
import { SDK } from "@ringcentral/sdk";

In commonjs(node.js, webpack and browserify)

var ringcentral = require("ringcentral-client");
var RingCentralClient = ringcentral.Client;
var SDK = require("@ringcentral/sdk").SDK;

Used in browser through the prebuilt javascript bundle

All APIs are exposed on the global variable RingCentral.

<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/ringcentral-client/build/ringcentral-client.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    console.log("All api", RingCentral);
    var RingCentralClient = RingCentral.Client;
    var SDK = RingCentral.SDK;
    // ...

Quick Start

Login, logout, get account info.

const sdk = new SDK({
	server: SERVER_PRODUCTION, // Optional, default is production server
	clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
	clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET
const client = new RingCentralClient(sdk);

// Log into RingCentral
	"username": process.env.USERNAME,
	"extension": process.env.EXTENSION,
	"password": process.env.PASSWORD
}).then(() => {
	console.log("Login success");
	return client.account().get(); // Call RingCentral REST API
}).then((accountInfo) => {
	console.log("Current account info", accountInfo);
	return sdk.platform().logout();	// Logout
}).then(() => {
	console.log("logout success");
}).catch(e => {
	console.error("Error occured", e);

API Call Examples

Telephony Calls

  1. Make phone calls by ringout(!#MakeRingOut.html):

        from: { phoneNumber: "xxx" },
        to: { phoneNumber: "xxx" },
        callerId: { phoneNumber: "xxx" }
    }).then(ringout => {
        console.log("Ringout sucess", ringout);
        // To check the call status: `client.account().extension().ringout(;`
    }, e => {
        console.error("Fail to ringout", e);
  2. Track the telephony status

    To get notications when calls come in, go out or ends, subscribe to the Presence Event:

    let subscription = client.createSubscription();
    subscription.on(, function (msg) {
        let presenceEvt = msg.body; // Detail for presence event:!#RefGetDetailedPresenceEvent
        console.log("@@@@presence event", presenceEvt);
        console.log("telephonyStatus", presenceEvt.telephonyStatus);
        console.log("activeCalls", presenceEvt.activeCalls);
        .setEventFilters(['/account/~/extension/~/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true ']) // a list of server-side events
        .then((subscription) => {
            console.log("Subscription created", subscription.json());
        }, e => {
            console.error("Fail to create subscription", e);
  3. View the list of active calls

        page: 1,    // Get the 1st page of the result
        direction: "Inbound"    // Specify the direction of the call, omit to get all directions
    }).then(results => {
        console.log("Active calls", results.records);
    }, e => {
        console.error("Fail to get active calls", e);
  4. View the recent calls

    let dateFrom = new Date( - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);  // A day ago
    client.account().extension().callLog().list({ dateFrom: dateFrom.toISOString() }).then(results => {
        console.log("Recent call logs", results.records);
    }, e => {
        console.error("Fail to get call logs", e);

Send SMS

	to: [{
		phoneNumber: "{receiverPhoneNumber}"
	from: {
		phoneNumber: "{yourSmsNumber}"
	text: "Sms content"
}).then(function(messageInfo) {
	console.log("Sms sent successfully", messageInfo);
}).catch(function(e) {
	console.error("Fail to send sms", e);

Send Fax

For all supported options and mediatype, please refer to!#RefFaxMessages.html.

import * as fs from "fs";
            to: [{ phoneNumber: "{receiverPhoneNumber}" }],
            faxResolution: 'High'
        }, [    // Second argument is an array of attachments, attachment can be string, Blob, node readable stream.
                "{Message text}",
                fs.createReadStream("{filePath}")   // In node only

Extension management

Get detail information of an extension:

client.account().extension('theExtensionId').get().then(function (extInfo) {
    console.log("The extension info", extInfo);
}).catch(function (e) {
    console.error("Get extension error", e);

List extensions of an account:

client.account("theAccountId").extension().list().then(function (extensions) {
    console.log("The list of extension info", extensions.records);
}).catch(function (e) {
    console.error("Get extension list error", e);

Update infomation of an extension:

client.account().extension().put({ status: "Enabled" }).then(function () {
    console.log("Success to update extension.");
}).catch(function () {
    console.error("Fail to update extension.");