Hey there 👋, I'm Riya!
I am a Software Engineer with keen interest in developing web applications and contributing to the projects that have positive impact on society,
I have passion for technogonolgy and eagerness to learn new things.
Feel free to connect with me @rik634 for all things tech or just to say hello! Let's shape the future of tech together. 🌟
Joined Github 4 years ago.
- 🛠 I’m currently working with Java, Spring Boot, ReactJS, NodeJS etc.
- 🚀 I’m currently interested in exploring AWS, Devops etc.
- 💬 Ask me anything here! I am happy to help.
- 📫 Reach me out: riyakotalwar562@gmail.com.
- 💻 I love exploring new technologies and building cool stuff.
- 📰 Reading, writing & watching Tech Stuff whenever possible.
- 🍕 Meetups & Tech Events & Hackathons.
⚙️ Things I use to get stuff done
- Browser: Chrome & Microsoft Edge
- Code Editor: VSCode - The best editor out there
- Other Tools: Postman, Notion