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Command Line Interface (CLI) program to generate react component, custom hooks, view model template (VVM, like in MVVM), store (currently only supports redux), and scaffold/init a new react project.

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"Regen" is an abbreviation of "React Generator". Regen is a Command Line Interface (CLI) program to generate react component, custom hooks, view model template (VVM, like in MVVM), store (currently only supports redux), and scaffold/init a new react project.


To help speed up productivity in your React projects and stop copying, pasting, and renaming files for each time you want to create a new component, hook, etc.

Table of Contents

How to install?

You can install it like so:

# as a `devDependencies`
npm i -D @rifandani/regen

# globally
npm i -g @rifandani/regen

and run it from the command line:

# generate a single component `Box`
npx regen component Box

Config File

When you run regen within your project for the first time, it will ask you a series of questions to customize the CLI for your project needs (this will create a regen.json config file).

Example of the regen.json config file:

  "usesTypeScript": true,
  "usesCssModule": true,
  "cssPreprocessor": "scss",
  "testLibrary": "Testing Library",
  "component": {
    "default": {
      "path": "src/components",
      "withStyle": true,
      "withLazy": true,
      "withStory": true,
      "withTest": true
  "hook": {
    "default": {
      "path": "src/hooks",
      "withTest": true
  "view": {
    "default": {
      "path": "src/views",
      "withRoute": true,
      "withViewModel": true,
      "withTest": true
  "scaffold": {
    "default": {
      "url": "/~"
  "store": {
    "default": {
      "path": "src/stores",
      "withTest": true,
      "useEntityAdapter": false

Or you can find the full example of regen.json config file here

Generate Components

npx regen component Box

This command will create a folder with your component name within your default (e.g. src/components) directory, and its corresponding files.

Example of the generated component files structure:

|-- /src
    |-- /components
        |-- /Box
            |-- Box.tsx
            |-- Box.module.scss
            |-- Box.test.tsx
            |-- Box.stories.tsx
            |-- Box.lazy.tsx

Check all available command flags:

npx regen component --help
Usage: regen component|c [options] <name...>

Creates a new, generic component definition in the given or default project.

  name                       list of component name to be generated

  -p, --path <path>          The path where the component will be generated (default: "src/components")
  -t, --type <type>          The "component" key/type that you have configured in your config file (default: "default")
  -d, --describe <describe>  The description of the component you want to generate (e.g. Create a counter component that increments by one
                             when I click on the increment button)
  -f, --flat                 Generate the files in the mentioned path insted of creating new folder for it
  -dr, --dry-run             Show what will be generated without writing to disk
  -D, --debug                Output extra debugging data
  --withStyle <withStyle>    With corresponding Style file. (default: true)
  --withTest <withTest>      With corresponding Test file. (default: true)
  --withStory <withStory>    With corresponding Story file. (default: true)
  --withLazy <withLazy>      With corresponding Lazy file. (default: true)
  -h, --help                 display help for command

Generate Hooks

npx regen hook useLatest

This command will create a folder with your hook name within your default (e.g. src/hooks) directory, and its corresponding files.

Example of the generated hook files structure:

|-- /src
    |-- /hooks
        |-- /useLatest
            |-- useLatest.hook.tsx
            |-- useLatest.hook.test.tsx

Check all available command flags:

npx regen hook --help
Usage: regen hook|h [options] <name...>

Creates a new, generic hook definition in the given or default project.

  name                       list of hook name to be generated

  -p, --path <path>          The path where the hook will be generated (default: "src/hooks")
  -t, --type <type>          The "hook" key/type that you have configured in your config file (default: "default")
  -d, --describe <describe>  The description of the hook you want to generate (e.g. A hook that returns the latest value, effectively
                             avoiding the closure problem)
  -f, --flat                 Generate the files in the mentioned path insted of creating new folder for it
  -dr, --dry-run             Show what will be generated without writing to disk
  -D, --debug                Output extra debugging data
  --withTest <withTest>      With corresponding Test file. (default: true)
  -h, --help                 display help for command

Generate Views

npx regen view Dashboard

This command will create a folder with your view name within your default (e.g. src/views) directory, and its corresponding files.

Example of the generated view files structure:

|-- /src
    |-- /views
        |-- /Dashboard
            |-- Dashboard.view.tsx
            |-- Dashboard.route.tsx
            |-- Dashboard.viewModel.tsx
            |-- Dashboard.view.test.tsx
            |-- Dashboard.route.test.tsx
            |-- Dashboard.viewModel.test.tsx

Check all available command flags:

npx regen view --help
Usage: regen view|v [options] <name...>

Creates a new, generic view definition in the given or default project.

  name                             list of view name to be generated

  -p, --path <path>                The path where the view will be generated (default: "src/views")
  -t, --type <type>                The "view" key/type that you have configured in your config file (default: "default")
  -f, --flat                       Generate the files in the mentioned path insted of creating new folder for it
  -dr, --dry-run                   Show what will be generated without writing to disk
  -D, --debug                      Output extra debugging data
  --withRoute <withRoute>          With corresponding Route file. (default: true)
  --withViewModel <withViewModel>  With corresponding ViewModel file. (default: true)
  --withTest <withTest>            With corresponding Test file. (default: true)
  -h, --help                       display help for command

Generate Stores

npx regen store book

This command will create a folder with your store name within your default (e.g. src/stores) directory, and its corresponding files.

Example of the generated store files structure:

|-- /src
    |-- /stores
        |-- /book

Check all available command flags:

npx regen store --help
Usage: regen store|st [options] <name...>

Creates a new, generic "store" definition in the given or default project.

  name                   list of "store" name to be generated

  -p, --path <path>      The path where the "store" will be generated (default: "src/stores")
  -t, --type <type>      The "store" key/type that you have configured in your config file (default: "default")
  --useEntityAdapter     Normalize your state shape using entity adapter for each store generated (default: false)
  -f, --flat             Generate the files in the mentioned path insted of creating new folder for it
  -dr, --dry-run         Show what will be generated without writing to disk
  -D, --debug            Output extra debugging data
  --withTest <withTest>  With corresponding Test file. (default: true)
  -h, --help             display help for command

Scaffold Project

npx regen scaffold

This command basically doing a git clone. Or you can pass in a custom command like:

npx regen scaffold "npm create vite@latest my-react-app -- --template react-ts"

Check all available command flags:

npx regen scaffold --help
Usage: regen scaffold|sc [options] [url]

Init a new project based on a given url.

  url                a url in which will be used to scaffold a new project

  -t, --type <type>  The "scaffold" key/type that you have configured in your config file (default: "default")
  -dr, --dry-run     Show what will be generated without writing to disk
  -D, --debug        Output extra debugging data
  -h, --help         display help for command

What's Next?

  • support more client state management libraries


Greatly inspired by generate-react-cli project.


Command Line Interface (CLI) program to generate react component, custom hooks, view model template (VVM, like in MVVM), store (currently only supports redux), and scaffold/init a new react project.







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