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ricardomilhazes edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the WellBeingAnalysis wiki!

This wiki aims to clarify every subject of the project, such as data warehousing and sentiment analysis. Also explains the implementation and testing details.

  1. What is Sentiment Analysis?
  2. What is Data Warehousing?
  3. Generating Well-Being Indexes through Sentiment Analysis

What is Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment analysis represents the computational study of an individual's opinions, attitudes or emotions in relation to a given subject. This subject can represent an individual or group of individuals, an event or a topic. There are 3 types of sentiment analysis levels:

  • document level - assumes the existence of a general opinion, usually positive or negative and expressed by the author of the document, on a specific subject.
  • sentence level - used to determine the polarity of a sentence, usually subjective. Very similar to the document level implementations.
  • aspect level - has the objective of recognizing all sentiments contained in an opinion and all the aspects to which they refer.

What is Data Warehousing?

Generating Well-Being Indexes through Sentiment Analysis