- 📖 About the Project
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- 🚀 Live Demo
- 💻 Getting Started
- Prerequisites
- Key Features
- 👥 Authors
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- 📝 License
This webapp works with real live data from the SpaceX API. The application provides commercial and scientific space travel services. It also allows users to book rockets and join selected space missions.
- React
- Redux
Click on the link below to the live demo of the project
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
- Visual studio code: A source code editor.
$ git clone /~https://github.com/jonas-45/space-travellers-hub.git
$ cd space-travellers-hub
$ npm install #To install dependencies for the project
$ npm run start # this will make webpack watching for your changes in code
$ npm start
- React routing added to navigation menu.
- Use functional Component.
- Use state and props.
- Use react-redux and redux toolkit for state management.
- Use store, actions and reducers in React.
- Connect to Spacex API using axios and display rockets and missions.
- Users can reserve rockets and join missions.
- Users can cancel rocket and mission reservations
👤 Wullah Jonas Nuta
- GitHub: @jonas-45
- Twitter: @jonaswullah
- LinkedIn: jonas-wullah
👤 (Tao) Larissa
- GitHub: @rica213
- Twitter: @alc3and
- LinkedIn: larissa-clarielle
- Add contact section to get in touch with users
- Add display comments for each rocket mission
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project, give it a thumps up and follow me on Github for more exciting projects
This project is MIT licensed.