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Native Termbin support for PowerShell!


To send a log file to Termbin, simply pipe the raw content to Out-Termbin:

PS C:\> Get-Content -Raw 'logfile.txt' | Out-Termbin

Note that you need to use Get-Content -Raw so that line endings are not stripped.

Another Example

To send a process list to Termbin, simply pipe your command through Out-String on its way to Out-Termbin:

PS C:\> Get-Process | Out-String | Out-Termbin

In most cases, you will need to pass your output through PowerShell's Out-String so that PowerShell will convert the native .NET objects into simple strings.

Using Termbin-compatible Services

If Termbin ever shuts down, don't worry; you can use this module with compatible services.

PS C:\> Get-Process | Out-String | Out-Termbin -HostName another.termbin.example -Port 9999