Allows to repackage RPMs with source code directly from Gerrit or local repo.
Create virtual environment:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible
Clone the component from to ~/ and cherry-pick the patch:
git clone https://<gerrit url>/gerrit/<component-name> ~/<component-name>
cd ~/<component-name>
git fetch https://<gerrit url>/gerrit/<component-name> refs/changes/xy/abcde/x && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml --extra-vars @params.yml -vvvv
Creation of rpm is allowed with per-released version as well. Make sure to increment the pre_rel_version variable located in roles/patch_rpm/vars/main.yml when version is released to avoid failure in patching.
The project will generate one or more RPMs in the following path: dist-git/<component_name>
Clone the component from to ~/ and cherry-pick the patch as described in the section "How to use this project as an ansible playbook". Create virtual environmenti and install infrared:
git clone /~
cd infrared
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
Add patch-components as a plugin:
infrared plugin add /~
Run: infrared patch-components --host-ip A.B.C.D --host-username --component-name --host-key_file ~/.ssh/id_rsa --component-version
Contributions are made via GerritHub. Do not submit Pull Requests.