Building RPMs out of a source of a certain project
Note: you can also use the project to: 1. Download packages and let InfraRed install them 2. Install packages located on remote host
Create virtual environment:
virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml
Install InfraRed
git clone /~
cd infrared && virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install -e .
Add build-packages as a plugin:
infrared plugin add /~
Run: infrared build-packages --host-ip --host-username --host-key_file ~/.ssh/id_rsa
To download packages (they will be installed by InfraRed):
infrared build-packages --host-ip --host-username <user-name> --host-key_file ~/.ssh/id_rsa --download-packages http://my_server/zlib-1.2.el7.noarch.rpm --build-ovs False
To install packages:
infrared build-packages --host-ip --host-username <user-name> --host-key_file ~/.ssh/id_rsa --packages openvswitch-selinux-policy --build-ovs False
Contributions are done via GerritHub. Do not use pull requests or direct push :)