Dashboard with agile metrics connected to Atlassian Jira.
- PHP >= 5.5.9 (with php5-curl, php5-mcrypt)
- Composer
- Mysql
Download and install Composer.
Clone or download the repository:
$ git clone /~https://github.com/rgies/agile-dashboard.git $ cd agile-dashboard
Start setup and follow the instuctions:
$ composer install
Create database table
$ app/console doctrine:database:create
Update database schema
$ app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Load initial data
$ app/console doctrine:fixture:load
Note: Default login credentials (admin/admin). Please login an change password.
Login as Administrator (Default: admin/admin)
Go to the "Service Provider" section
Click on Jira and put in the login credentials
Create widget code skeleton
$ app/console dashboard:generate:widget
Add generated widget name to config
# Widget plugins widget_plugins: 'MyWidgetBundle': 'My widget name'
Insert view and controller code
{% block widget_body %} <!-- ADD HERE YOUR WIDGET CONTENT --> ... {% endblock %}
// ====================================================== // INSERT HERE YOUR CODE TO COLLECT THE NEEDED DATA // ====================================================== $response = array( 'value' => $insert_here_your_data ); // ======================================================
Optional change data model
Adapt entity file Entity/WidgetConfig.php
Adapt form file Form/WidgetConfigType.php
Update database schema
$ app/console doctrine:schema:update --force