A Powerful Music Player made with electron framework with HTML CSS and JAVASCRIPT 🔥
🔥 High quality audio
🔻 Download YouTube Videos
🌌 Discord RPC
🎵 Import your own songs
Clone this repo with the command git clone /~https://github.com/retrouser955/electron-music-player.git
in Terminal
Add a song in the src/songs folder
Run yarn install
Run yarn start
Download node.js from their website and yarn using npm install --global yarn
After you finished running the project, you can turn it into an executable.
Run yarn run make
Go into the out
Go into make -> squirrel.windows (for windows) -> x64 (for windows) -> Run retro-player-1.0.0 Setup.exe
Note: window defender might say it's a virus because I am not a verified publisher.
- bradtraversy/vanillawebprojects/music-player
- ytb2mp3/youtube-mp3-downloader
- Thanks Everyone who helped me make this project happen