Graph Traversal on top of rdflib.js
A GraphNode represents an arbitrary number of nodes in a graph.
A GraphNode has the following properties:
- value
- termType
- node
- nodes
- graph
The first three properties are available only if the GraphNode represents exactly one node.
A GraphNode has the following methods:
- out(predicate)
- in(predicate)
- fetch()
- each(f)
- fetchEach(f)
The first three methods return a Promise for a GraphNode.The each(f)
method invokes f
once for every represented node with a GrahphNode representing that node as argument and returns a promise that is satisfied when all promises returned by f are resolved. The method fetchEach(f)
is identical to each(f)
but every node is fetched before being passed to f
GraphNode($rdf.sym("")).fetch().then(folder =>
{ folder.out($rdf.sym("")).each(contained =>
{ console.log(contained.value) });