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Nek-12 committed Aug 26, 2023
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@@ -1,38 +1,70 @@
# FlowMVI 2.0

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# ApiResult

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FlowMVI is a Kotlin Multiplatform MVI library based on coroutines that has a few main goals:
ApiResult is a Kotlin Multiplatform declarative error handling framework that is performant, easy to use and

ApiResult is [Railway Programming]( and functional
error handling **on steroids**.

## Features

* ApiResult is **extremely lightweight**. It is lighter than kotlin.Result.
All instances of it are `value class`es, all operations are `inline`, which means literally 0 overhead.
* ApiResult offers 85+ operators covering most of possible use cases to turn your
code from imperative and procedural to declarative and functional, which is more readable and extensible.
* ApiResult defines a contract that you can use in your code. No one will be able to obtain a result of a computation
without being forced to handle errors at compilation time.

## Preview

1. Being simple to understand and use while staying powerful and flexible.
2. Featuring a clean and rich DSL.
3. Being thread-safe but asynchronous by design.

// wrap a result of a computation
suspend fun getSubscriptions(userId: String): ApiResult<List<Subscription>?> = ApiResult {

// use and transform the result
val state: SubscriptionState = repo.getSubscriptions(userId)
.errorOnNull() // map nulls to error states with compile-time safety
.recover<NotSignedInException, _> { emptyList() } // recover from some or all errors
.require { securityRepository.isDeviceTrusted() } // conditionally fail the chain
.mapValues(::SubscriptionModel) // map list items
.filter { it.isPurchased } // filter values
.mapError<NetworkException, _, _> { e -> BillingException(cause = e) } // map exceptions
.then { validateSubscriptions(it) } // execute a computation and continue with its result, propagating errors
.chain { updateGracePeriod(it) } // execute another computation, and if it fails, stop the chain
.onError { subscriptionService.disconnect() } // executed on error
.onEmpty { return SubscriptionState.NotSubscribed } // use non-local returns and short-circuit evaluation
onSuccess = { SubscriptionState.Subscribed(it) },
onError = { SubscriptionState.Error(it) },
) // unwrap the result to another value

## Quickstart:
## Quickstart

* Documentation:
* KDoc:
* Latest version:
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flowmvi = "< Badge above 👆🏻 >"
apiresult = "< Badge above 👆🏻 >"

flowmvi-core = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:core", version.ref = "flowmvi" } # multiplatform
flowmvi-android = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:android", version.ref = "flowmvi" } # common android
flowmvi-view = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:android-view", version.ref = "flowmvi" } # view-based android
flowmvi-compose = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:android-compose", version.ref = "flowmvi" } # compose
flowmvi-test = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:test", version.ref = "flowmvi" } # test DSL
apiresult = { module = "pro.respawn.apiresult:core", version.ref = "apiresult" }

Supported platforms:
Expand All @@ -44,202 +76,6 @@ Supported platforms:

### Feature overview:

Rich, plugin-based store DSL:

sealed interface CounterState : MVIState {
data object Loading : CounterState
data class Error(e: Exception) : CounterState
data class DisplayingCounter(
val timer: Int,
val counter: Int,
) : CounterState

sealed interface CounterIntent : MVIIntent {
data object ClickedCounter : CounterIntent

sealed interface CounterAction : MVIAction {
data class ShowMessage(val message: String) : CounterAction

class CounterContainer(
private val repo: CounterRepository,
) {
val store = store<CounterState, CounterIntent, CounterAction>(Loading) { // set initial state
name = "CounterStore"
parallelIntents = true
actionShareBehavior = ActionShareBehavior.Restrict() // disable, share, distribute or consume side effects
intentCapacity = 64

install(platformLoggingPlugin()) // log to console, logcat or NSLog

install(analyticsPlugin(name)) // install custom plugins

install(timeTravelPlugin()) // unit test stores and track changes

saveState { // persist and restore state
get = { repo.restoreStateFromFile() }
set = { repo.saveStateToFile(this) }

val undoRedoPlugin = undoRedo(maxQueueSize = 10) // undo and redo any changes

val jobManager = manageJobs() // manage named jobs

init { // run actions when store is launched

whileSubscribed { // run a job while any subscribers are present
repo.timer.onEach { timer: Int ->
updateState<DisplayingCounter> { // update state safely between threads and filter by type
copy(timer = timer)

recover { e: Exception -> // recover from errors both in jobs and plugins
send(CounterAction.ShowMessage(e.message)) // send side-effects

reduce { intent: CounterIntent -> // reduce intents
when (intent) {
is ClickedCounter -> updateState<DisplayingCounter> {
copy(counter = counter + 1)

install { // build and install custom plugins on the fly

onStop { // hook into various store events

onState { old, new -> // veto changes, modify states, launch jobs, do literally anything
new.withType<DisplayingCounter, _> {
if (counter >= 100) {
launch { repo.resetTimer() }.register(jobManager, "reset")
copy(counter = 0, timer = 0)
} else new

Subscribe one-liner:

scope = consumerCoroutineScope,
consume = { action -> /* process side effects */ },
render = { state -> /* render states */ },

Custom plugins:

// create plugins for any store
fun analyticsPlugin(name: String) = genericPlugin {
val analytics = Analytics.getInstance()
onStart {
analytics.log("Screen $name opened")
onIntent {
// 5+ more hooks

// or for a specific one
val counterPlugin = plugin<CounterState, CounterIntent, CounterAction> {

### Android (Compose):

val module = module {

// No more subclassing. Use StoreViewModel for everything and inject containers or stores directly.
viewModel(qualifier<CounterContainer>()) { StoreViewModel(get<CounterContainer>().store) }

// collect the store efficiently based on composable's lifecycle
fun CounterScreen() = MVIComposable(
store = getViewModel<StoreViewModel<_, _, _>>(qualifier<CounterContainer>()),
) { state -> // this -> ConsumerScope with send(Intent)

consume { action -> // consume actions from composables
when (action) {
is ShowMessage -> {
/* ... */

when (state) {
is DisplayingCounter -> {
Button(onClick = { intent(ClickedCounter) }) {
Text("Counter: ${state.counter}")

### Android (View):

class ScreenFragment : Fragment(), MVIView<CounterState, CounterIntent, CounterAction> {

override val container by viewModel(qualifier<CounterContainer>())

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

subscribe() // One-liner for store subscription. Lifecycle-aware and efficient.

override fun render(state: CounterState) {
// update your views

override fun consume(action: CounterAction) {
// handle actions

### Testing DSL

// using Turbine + Kotest
testStore().subscribeAndTest {

ClickedCounter resultsIn {

states.test {
awaitItem() shouldBe DisplayingCounter(counter = 1, timer = 0)
actions.test {



Ready to try? Start with reading the [Quickstart Guide](

## License
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