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Spaceshipment level editor

This is the source code of the level editor for Spaceshipment

Currently, the editor opens into the last file in the levels folder (sorted alphabetically). To open a different level, use Ctrl+O

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Ctrl+Q to close the app
  • Ctrl+N to create a new level
  • Ctrl+O to open a level file
  • Ctrl+S to save to the current file
  • Ctrl+Shift+S to save as
  • Ctrl+Alt+S to save incrementally (if you were working on a file mylevel.obl, saving incrementally will save the file as mylevel001.obl and Ctrl S will now save to this file. Pressing again will save as mylevel002.obl, then mylevel003.obl and so on)
  • Alt+[1-5] to set the window scale
  • F1 to show hints!
  • F2 to take a 400x240 screenshot
  • B to toggle the background image, which is found by searching for an image file with the same name as the level (but with a png file extension)

Edit Mode

  • Hold RMB to select any object to drag it around
  • A or N to spawn a new planet
  • W or L to spawn a new wall
  • X, D or Backspace to delete a planet while holding it
  • Space to enter Aim Mode
  • H to toggle grab indicators (e.g. the circles around the ends of walls)
  • I to invert a planet's mass, toggling it between a regular and anti- planet
  • Ctrl+D to duplicate the currently selected planet

While holding or hovering over a planet or the target, change its size/mass with the scroll wheel. Scaling a planet down far enough will turn it into an antiplanet, which pushes the player away instead of attracting them.

You can also use the arrow keys to adjust the position of a body using the arrow keys (while having it selected)

Aim Mode

  • Esc to go back to edit mode
  • Space or RMB to launch
  • Aim the player with the mouse. Bringing the mouse closer to the player will have a lower launch strength
  • You can also aim with the arrow keys, just like in the game! Moving the mouse will overwrite where you aimed with the arrow keys so be careful not to move it until you launch

The trajectory line shows where the player will fly if you launch. The white part of the line represents how far the player will be able to see in the actual game

Simulation Mode

This is where the player will actually fly, until they crash

  • Escape to go back to Edit Mode
  • R to go back to Aim Mode
  • Space to pause the simulation
  • [1-4] to set the simulation speed

Game Over

When the player has either crashed or reached the target

  • Escape to go back to Edit Mode
  • R to go back to Aim Mode