Package hexcolor provides tools for working with hex color codes, for the Go programming language.
Hex Color Codes look like these:
Online documentation, which includes examples, can be found at:
Here is a simple example of parsing a hex color code:
var hexcode string = "#8A928D"
red, green, blue, err := hexcolor.Parse(hexcode)
And here is a simple example of creating a hex color code:
var red uint8 = 0xB4
var green uint8 = 0x00
var blue uint8 = 0x00
code := hexcolor.Format(red, green, blue)
To import package hexcolor use import
code like the follownig:
import ""
To install package hexcolor do the following:
GOPROXY=direct go get /~
Package hexcolor was written by Charles Iliya Krempeaux