Ensure you have python 3.6 installed oin the system. else you follow this guide on how to install it.
Install pip on your system. Follow the instaructions on this site for more information. else :-
sudo dnf in python3-pip
- SUSE/OpenSuse
sudo zypper in python3-pip
- Debian/Uuntu
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Copy if you have not done so already, the system folder form the installation media onto your system/OS. Place it under a directory you can access.
Assuming its placed under the ==www== folder of your system.
If ==tip-system== is the name of the system folder, then do:
cd tip-system
- install the system requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Assuming all is well.
- The system can be run(the default configurations, host localhost, port 5000) with:-
python3 app.py
The system can now be accessed from the browser window.