Relay is a web api server that parse your request and fetch result from online HTTP APIs .Relay can atuo generate source for you,all you need to do is define the api definition configuration files.
##What it for It use to make online API service into as your local service for speed up and simplified call, also save your money by cutting down online API service call counts.
##Requirement This project use redis for cache.
##How to use
###1. Clone the project and import it to intelliJ IDEA. ###2. Define your api configuration file. Define your api configuration file like weather.json file under /resources directory. and append it to /src/main/java/cn/readen/relay/ ApiGenerator.apiNames array. ###3. Generate source by run the ApiGenerator.main method. The generated source file will be in the $baseDir/$packageName you defined. ###4. Run the server by enter "gradle appRun" in terminal. Make sure you have a redis server run at localhost,otherwise change the redisHost value in the /resources/config.txt file. ###5. Enjoy. You can make any change to BaseController.handle method to handle with request and response.Such as cache, saving in database and authorization.