These files come without any warranty!
In particular, there might be unforeseen differences to the original implementation.
This is a PyTorch implementation of SonoNet:
Baumgartner et al., "Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal Standard Scan Planes in 2D Freehand Ultrasound", arXiv preprint:1612.05601 (2016)
This repository is based on /~https://github.com/baumgach/SonoNet-weights which provides a theano+lasagne implementation.
PyTorch implementation of the original models.py file.
sononet/SonoNet16.pth, sononet/SonoNet32.pth, sononet/SonoNet64.pth:
The original pretrained weights converted into PyTorch format.
Modified version of the original example.py file. This file runs classification on the examples images.
NumPy, Pillow, Matplotlib, PyTorch.
Tested with PyTorch 0.4.0 and 1.3.1.
After installing the dependencies, run
cd SonoNet_PyTorch
pip install .
After installing the dependencies, classify the example example images with:
python SonoNet_Pytorch/test.py
After installing as Python module (see above), import SonoNet with:
from sononet import SonoNet