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Thomas Bergwinkl edited this page Jul 7, 2016 · 1 revision


@bergos, niklas, @blake-regalia, @alexmilowski


Parser or Transform interface #73


Which input types are supported? Which must be supported?

+1 @bergos, @alex,

If a parser supports other types custom methods like .readDOM or .readString can be used (also static methods). We want to focus on streams, but other types are possible but must be documented in the package. Synchronous code could be written additional classes like DataSet, which imports all quads of a stream.

/~ /~

DataSet interfaces could be a start of a replacement for the RDFa API

Implement a test suite #47


.literal factory in the test suite also tests for objects which aren't defined in the spec. How are IRI string detected in the .literal factory? Does a colon work for all cases?


.toCanonical of quads should end with a full stop -> bug +1 @blake-regalia

Forward DataFactory to parsers/readers #79


The constructor of readers should have an option to define the DataFactory that is used to create Terms and Quads.

Proposal: Use an object as last parameter of the constructor with the property factory


  • issue #73 write the interfaces in the format we have in the spec (webidl) @bergos
  • issue #73 discuss which types must/should be supported @alexmilowski
  • issue #47 test suite: .toCanonical of quads should end with a full stop