- Where to find the Docker Image: Docker Hub ravermeister/movim
- Where to get help: the Movim XMPP MUC - movim@conference.movim.eu
- Where to file issues: https://gitlab.rimkus.it/xmpp/movim-docker
- arm64
- amd64
Movim is a distributed social network built on top of XMPP, a popular open standards communication protocol. Movim is a free and open source software licensed under the AGPL. It can be accessed using existing XMPP clients and Jabber accounts. Learn more at movim.eu.
Note, this Image does not contain a required Database nor an XMPP Server. It is Based on Debian Slim and Consists of mainly:
- nginx (for the movim frontend)
- php-fpm (required for movim frontend and daemon)
- required php modules (e.g. imagick, zip)
- a little shell script for starting php-fpm, nginx and the movim daemon.
Before running the Container,
you have to copy (and rename to .env
) and adjust the file .env.example from the assets' folder.
Add your DB Configuration and set the Correct Value for DAEMON_URL
to point to your
external URL for movim e.g., https://movim.example.org
the Following Files and Directories could be of interest:
Path | Descritption |
/etc/php/conf.d | custom movim.ini |
/etc/php/pool.d | custom movim fpm.conf |
/usr/local/share/movim/cache | movim internal cache |
/usr/local/share/movim/public/cache | movim (frontend) cache |
/var/log/nginx | nginx log |
/var/log/php8.2-fpm.log | php-fpm log |
/usr/local/share/movim/log | movim log |
run the image as follows (movim will be available on host Machine at port 8080):
docker run -d \
--name movim \
--restart always \
-p 8080:80 \
-v /path/to/.env:/usr/local/share/movim/.env \
-v /path/to/movim/cache:/usr/local/share/movim/cache \
-v /path/to/movim/public/cache:/usr/local/share/movim/public/cache \
-v /path/to/movim/log:/usr/local/share/movim/log \
After you've successfully logged in to your Movim Pod, run the following Docker Compose exec command;
docker exec -u www-data movim \
cd /usr/local/share/movim \
&& php daemon.php setAdmin example@movim.eu