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will-v-pi committed Feb 26, 2025
1 parent da97d36 commit e15c870
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Showing 2 changed files with 105 additions and 110 deletions.
204 changes: 96 additions & 108 deletions bootloaders/encrypted/aes.S
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ scratch RAM and the stack pointer is overwritten.
#define CTAG8 0x33
#define CTAG9 0x34
#define CTAG10 0x35 @ not used
#define CTAG11 0x36
#define CTAG11 0x36 @ not used
#define CTAG12 0x37
#define CTAG13 0x38
#define CTAG14 0x39
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ scratch RAM and the stack pointer is overwritten.

@ Clear internal stripe load registers, and r0-r3
@ 0 <= offset <= 32
.macro clear03 offset=0
getchaffaddress r0,\offset
ldmia r0,{r0-r3}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,6 +160,10 @@ RKshareC: @ Round key common share C; see comment at init_key
.space 4
RKshareCchange: @ Temporary used by ref_roundkey_share_s
.space 4
IV0: @ 2-way share of IV for block 0
.space 36 @ Considering IV0 as a word pointer, the format is IV = IV0[0,1,2,3] ^ (IV0[5,6,7,8],ror#16)
@ The gap at IV0[4] is to defeat unsharing by internal striped memory registers
@ I.e., there are implicit XORs IV0[0]^IV0[4], IV0[1]^IV0[5], ..., that the 1 word offset renders useless

@ Regardless of configuration, the code uses a single 256-entry LUT,
@ which is a simple S-box table.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,11 +329,11 @@ gen_rand_sha:
ldr r2,=rstate_sha
ldr r0,[r2,#jstate-rstate_sha]
movs r1,#1
movs r3,r0,lsl#2
ands r3,r3,#31
movs r3,r1,lsl r3 @ 1<<(4*(r0&7))
udiv r3,r3,r1 @ Takes constant + (r0&7) cycles
lsrs r0,r0,#1
ands r3,r0,#3
movs r3,r3,lsl#2
movs r3,r1,lsl r3 @ 1<<(4*(r0&3))
udiv r3,r3,r1 @ Takes constant + (r0&3) cycles
lsrs r0,r0,#2
bne 1f
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres
ldr r2,=rstate_sha
Expand All @@ -352,6 +358,7 @@ gen_rand_sha_nonpres:
strb r3,[r2] @ save updated SUM register offset in bottom byte of rstate_sha[]
bx r14
@ [CK_JITTER code was here]
movs r3,#SHA256_SUM6_OFFSET+1
strb r3,[r2] @ reset word counter: the +1 is compensated for later
movw r1,#(1<<SHA256_CSR_BSWAP_LSB)+(1<<SHA256_CSR_START_LSB)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,10 +444,13 @@ gen_rand_lfsr_nonpres:
.balign 4
@ r0=4-way key, r1=IV_shareA, r2=IV_shareB, r3=message buffer, [r13]=number of blocks
ldr r12,[r13] @ Pop 5th argument in r12 (which we are allowed to treat as scratch according to AAPCS)
push {r14}
push {r0-r12,r14}
push {r4-r11,r14}
push {r0-r3,r12} @ Save the five arguments
bl reset_sha_trng
bl init_rstate
@ randomly re-share the LUT contents
Expand All @@ -463,11 +473,11 @@ decrypt:
bl init_key_4way
bl lock_key
pop {r0-r2}
pop {r0-r3} @ r0=IV_shareA, r1=IV_shareB, r2=message, r3=num blocks
bl ctr_crypt_s
bl randomisechaff
pop {r4-r12,r14}
pop {r4-r11,r14}
pop {r15}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -859,7 +869,7 @@ ref_roundkey_hvperms_s_exit: @ label exit point to be to able to specify to ana
.balign 4
@ Rotate share registers r4-r7, r8-r11 (r4->r5-r6->r7->r4 etc.) by an addtional amount
@ Cycle share registers r4-r7, r8-r11 (r4->r5-r6->r7->r4 etc.) by an addtional amount
@ given in the bottom two bits of R0 and update the rotation recorded at statevperm.
@ On entry R1 must point to statevperm.
@ Trashes r0-r3,r12
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -901,46 +911,7 @@ addstatevperm_exit: @ label exit point to be to able to specify to ana
bx r14

@ Switch from non-shared to shared state
@ Trashes r0-r3,r12
.balign 4
push {r12,r14}
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres @ Create state share C; all bytes the same
ands r0,r0,#255
orrs r0,r0,r0,lsl#8
orrs r12,r0,r0,lsl#16
ldr r1,=shareC
str r12,[r1]
movs r12,#0
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres
eors r4,r4,r0
eor r8,r12,r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres
eors r5,r5,r0
eor r9,r12,r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres
eors r6,r6,r0
eor r10,r12,r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres
eors r7,r7,r0
eor r11,r12,r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres
ldr r1,=statevperm
movs r2,#0
str r2,[r1]
bl addstatevperm @ Initialise state vperm with SHA RNG, refresh with LFSR RNG
pop {r12,r14}
bx r14

@ Conjugate lut_a, lut_b with shareC
@ Conjugate lut_a, lut_b with (state) shareC
@ I.e., EOR the input and output with shareC.
@ We need to pick one input for each share A and B, and one output for ONE of the shares A and B
@ Arbitrarily choosing a0, b1 and d0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1653,44 +1624,65 @@ addrkey_s:

@ r0=IV, r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks
@ r0=IV_shareA, r1=IV_shareB, r2=cipher/plaintext buffer, r3=number of blocks
push {r0-r12,r14} @ save all registers so that when we restore we overwrite any secrets

push {r0-r2}
push {r0-r3}


@ Initialise 32 random numbers (which fit in half-words)
@ r3=number of blocks
ldr r4,=bperm_rand
movs r5,#32
bl gen_rand_sha
umull r0,r3,r0,r2 @ Random number between 0 and n-1 (n=#blocks)
strh r3,[r4],#2
umull r0,r2,r0,r3 @ Random number between 0 and n-1 (n=#blocks)
strh r2,[r4],#2
subs r5,r5,#1
bne 1b

bl randomisechaff
pop {r0-r2}

@ Refresh IVshareA and IVshareB, convert to ror#16 format and store the result at IV0
@ Not doing shareC or state vperm at this point
pop {r0}
ldmia r0,{r4-r7} @ r4-r7 = IVshareA
clear03 16
pop {r1}
ldmia r1,{r8-r11} @ r8-r11 = IVshareB
clear03 32
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres; eors r4,r4,r0; mov r8, r8, ror#16; eor r8, r8, r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres; eors r5,r5,r0; mov r9, r9, ror#16; eor r9, r9, r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres; eors r6,r6,r0; mov r10,r10,ror#16; eor r10,r10,r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres; eors r7,r7,r0; mov r11,r11,ror#16; eor r11,r11,r0,ror#16
ldr r0,=IV0
stmia r0,{r4-r7}
adds r0,r0,#20
stmia r0,{r8-r11}
pop {r1,r2}
@ r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks

movs r3,#0

@ here r0=IV, r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter
@ r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter

@ Do as much preparatory stuff as possible that doesn't involve the IV (to reduce interaction with it)
push {r0-r3}
push {r1-r3}
@ It's OK for execution time to depend on the block counter r3 ("public"), but not the block number (secret)

bne 1f
bl refreshchaff_and_lfsr

ldr r3,[r13,#12] @ get block count off the stack
ldr r3,[r13,#8] @ get block count off the stack
tst r3,#(REMAP_PERIOD-1)
bne 1f
bl remap @ shuffle the LUTs; this preserves R3
Expand All @@ -1702,21 +1694,21 @@ ctr_crypt_mainloop:
bl ref_roundkey_shares_s @ refresh the round key shares

ldr r3,[r13,#12] @ get block count off the stack
ldr r3,[r13,#8] @ get block count off the stack
bne 1f
bl ref_roundkey_hvperms_s @ refresh the round key vperms


pop {r0-r3}
@ r0=IV, r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter
pop {r1-r3}
@ r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter

@ Now calculate r12 = block number-to-be-deciphered from r3 = block counter
@ Use a "swap-or-not" method to generate an "oblivious" permutation; see version 7
push {r0,r1}
push {r1}
ldr r0,=murmur3_constants
ldmia r0,{r9-r12,r14} @ load five murmur3_32 hash constants
ldr r0,=bperm_rand
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1752,57 +1744,53 @@ ctr_crypt_mainloop:
adds r4,r4,r7 @ r4=j if top bit of r6, else i
subs r1,r1,#1
bpl 1b
pop {r0,r1}
pop {r1}
mov r12,r4
mov r12,r3

@ r0=IV, r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter (monotonic), r12=block number (block to be deciphered)
push {r0-r3,r12}
@ r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter (monotonic), r12=block number (block to be deciphered)
push {r1-r3,r12}
@ r4-r11 = IV0, r12=block number

processIV: @ non-target label to assist power analysis

@ It is not clear if the following addition of the block number in r12 to the IV can usefully
@ be done in terms of shares. Instead we do an addition and subtraction whose overall effect
@ is the same, and which provides a small degree of masking. The IV is not traditionally a secret,
@ though it will make it harder for the attacker if it is obscured.
bl gen_rand_sha
movs r8,r0,lsr#16 @ only use 16 low bits so we don't get any overflows in the following, and so that a carry from the first word is rare
add r9,r8,r12 @ "masked" block number
@ r8=random, r9=(block number)+r8, stack=IV,...

ldr r0,[r13] @ peek at stack to restore r0=IV ptr
ldmia r0,{r4-r7} @ load IV
clear03 @ barrier to remove traces of IV from internal CPU load registers

@ Add in r9 in byte-big-endian, bit-little-endian (!) fashion, while trying to avoid rev operations
@ as far as possible as these tend to expose (via power fluctuations) byte-level hamming weights.
@ First do 128-bit addition of r9 to byte-reversed IV
rev r7,r7
cmn r7,#MAX_NUM_BLOCKS @ Compare against maximum number of blocks
bcs 1f
add r7,r7,r9 @ This can temporarily overflow but it doesn't matter as we know that r7+r12 does not overflow
sub r7,r7,r8
b 2f
adds r7,r7,r9
rev r6,r6; adcs r6,r6,#0
rev r5,r5; adcs r5,r5,#0
rev r4,r4; adcs r4,r4,#0
@ Now do 128-bit subtraction of r8 from byte-reversed IV
subs r7,r7,r8
sbcs r6,r6,#0; rev r6,r6
sbcs r5,r5,#0; rev r5,r5
sbcs r4,r4,#0; rev r4,r4
rev r7,r7
clear01 16
ldr r8,=IV0
ldmia r8,{r4-r7} @ load IV0_A
clear03 16
add r8,r8,#20
ldmia r8,{r8-r11} @ load IV0_B
clear03 32
rev r0,r12
eor r7,r7,r0 @ XOR in block number to IV0. IV(block n) = IV0 ^ n, cf standard CTR mode IV0 + n.
@ XOR (vs addition) is compatible with XOR-shares, so stealthier/simpler because don't have to unshare to work out IV(block n)
@ r4-r11 = IV for the current block
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres @ Create state share C; all bytes the same
ands r0,r0,#255
orrs r0,r0,r0,lsl#8
orrs r12,r0,r0,lsl#16
ldr r1,=shareC
str r12,[r1]
movs r12,#0
@ r4-r11 = IV for the current block w/o shareC, r12=shareC
@ refresh state shares and mix in shareC
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres; eors r4,r4,r0; eor r4,r4,r12; movs r1,#0; eor r8, r8, r0,ror#16 @ Barriers between shares to prevent implicit r4^r8 etc
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres; eors r5,r5,r0; eor r5,r5,r12; movs r1,#0; eor r9, r9, r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres; eors r6,r6,r0; eor r6,r6,r12; movs r1,#0; eor r10,r10,r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres; eors r7,r7,r0; eor r7,r7,r12; movs r1,#0; eor r11,r11,r0,ror#16
bl gen_rand_sha_nonpres
ldr r1,=statevperm
movs r2,#0
str r2,[r1]
bl addstatevperm @ Initialise state vperm (use SHA RNG to start with, later refreshes are with LFSR RNG)

@ r4-r7 = IV for the current block
bl ns_to_s @ convert IV+x to shares, which includes choosing and incorporating a random shareC
bl conjshareC @ Add the effect of shareC to lut_a, lut_b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1849,9 +1837,9 @@ rounds_s_mainloop:
bl addstatevperm

pop {r0-r3,r12}
push {r0,r3}
@ r0=IV, r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter, r12=block to be deciphered
pop {r1-r3,r12}
push {r3}
@ r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter, r12=block to be deciphered

@ Decrypt ciphertext using AES output in shares: r4-r11
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1893,8 +1881,8 @@ decryption_start:
sub r1,r1,r12,lsl#4 @ Restore r1 to point to start of buffer

pop {r0,r3} @ Restore IV and block counter
@ r0=IV, r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter
pop {r3} @ Restore block counter
@ r1=cipher/plaintext buffer, r2=number of blocks, r3=block counter

adds r3,r3,#1
Expand Down
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions bootloaders/encrypted/enc_bootloader.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@

#define OTP_KEY_PAGE 30

extern void decrypt(uint8_t* key4way, uint8_t* iv, uint8_t(*buf)[16], int nblk);
extern void decrypt(uint8_t* key4way, uint8_t* IV_OTPsalt, uint8_t* IV_public, uint8_t(*buf)[16], int nblk);

// The function lock_key() is called from decrypt() after key initialisation is complete and before decryption begins.
// That is a suitable point to lock the OTP area where key information is stored.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,14 @@ int main() {
// Read key directly from OTP - guarded reads will throw a bus fault if there are any errors
uint16_t* otp_data = (uint16_t*)OTP_DATA_GUARDED_BASE;

decrypt((uint8_t*)&(otp_data[(OTP_CMD_ROW_BITS & (OTP_KEY_PAGE * 0x40))]), iv, (void*)SRAM_BASE, data_size/16);
(uint8_t*)&(otp_data[(OTP_CMD_ROW_BITS & (OTP_KEY_PAGE * 0x40))]),
(uint8_t*)&(otp_data[(OTP_CMD_ROW_BITS & ((OTP_KEY_PAGE + 1) * 0x40))]),
iv, (void*)SRAM_BASE, data_size/16

// Lock the IV salt
otp_hw->sw_lock[OTP_KEY_PAGE + 1] = 0xf;

printf("Post decryption image begins with\n");
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)
Expand Down

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