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NextBus Reverse Proxy

A simple reverse proxy for San Francisco's public transportation powered by NextBus's XML feed.


Run locally

# run reverseProxy server
$> ./
# test for common things 
$> ./

One Click Demo

  1. Install docker-compose
  2. docker-compose up
  3. curl localhost:8001/api/v1/agencyList


  • Custom made epoll socket server as reverse proxy broker.
    • I've not used twisted/flask framework for routing, as I wanted to try writing a production quality framework/code
  • Redis for caching the responses of NextBus XML feed
  • MongoDB for serving metadata
  • Python 2.7
    • pymongo
    • redis
    • xmltodict
    • requests

Design Specification

Design Choices

  1. MongoDB is highly available nosql db and is good for storing documents.
    • Can be easily replicated and hence scalable
    • We use docker images here, defined in docker-compose.yml
  2. Redis was the choice for caching, it supports key:value mappings
    • Currently caching is only done at root level of json/xml document. Further optimization can be done if we parse deeper levels.
    • A timeout for defining freshness of value is defined in config.json
  3. A single threaded edge triggered epoll framework has been used to handle requests
    • At Application level, only request_handler has to be implemented by user.
    • This server can maintain keep-alive connections or short-lived connections.
    • Threading does not work well with python because of GIL interpreter lock
    • For further documentation and limitations, go to the references

Configuration Settings

You can configure reverseProxy in config.json

  • mongodbAddress and MongodbPort
  • redisAddress and redisPort, redisTimeout
  • slowRequestsRrate
  • log file name

You can configure epollServer in epollConfig.json

  • tcp_cork, tcp_nagle optimizations
  • listen connections
  • log file name

Logs store state of application and framework, and are located in logs/

Reverseproxy API Endpoints

The application address is, by default, A brief description of all the end points are given below. api/v1/stats endpoint is particular to the state of reverse proxy

api/v1/stats Exposes Reverseproxy statistics
slow_requests Lists the endpoints which had response time higher a certain threshold along with the time taken.
queries List all the endpoints queried by the user along with the number of requests for each.
End points Description
api/v1/agencyList Lists all agencies.
api/v1/routeList/{agency} Lists all the routes for the agency tag supplied.
api/v1/routeConfig/{agency}/{route} Lists all the stops for the route tag supplied.
api/v1/predictByStopId/{agency}/{stopId} Lists arrival/departure predictions for a stop.
api/v1/predictByStop/{agency}/{route}/{stop} Same as predictByStopId but using the {stop} tag instead {route} tag is required because {stop} tag is associated with a route.
api/v1/predictionsForMultiStops/{agency}/{stops} Lists arrival/departure predictions for multi-stops. The format of the {stops} tag is route or stop . Append more {/stops} for more stops.
api/v1/schedule/{agency}/{route} Obtain the schedule information for a given {agency} and {route} tags
api/v1/messages/{agency}/{route} List the active messages for the selected route. Append *{/route}*for more routes.
api/v1/vehicleLocations/{agency}/{route}/{time} Lists vehicle locations for the selected {route}. {time} tag is in msec since the 1970 epoch time. If you specify a time of 0, then data for the last 15 minutes is provided.
Get {agency} tags using `agencyList`
Get {route} tags using `routeList`, 
Get {stop} and {stopId} tags using `routeConfig`.
A /{route} tag  can be appended if predictions for only one route 
are desired.
Append `&useShortTitles=true` to return short titles intended for display
devices with small screens.


  1. api/v1/agencyList
  2. api/v1/routeList/sf-muni
  3. api/v1/routeConfig/sf-muni/E
  4. api/v1/predictByStopId/sf-muni/15184{/useShortTitles}
  5. api/v1/predictByStop/sf-muni/E/5184{/useShortTitles}
  6. api/v1/predictionsForMultiStops/sf-muni/N|6997/N|3909{/useShortTitles}
  7. api/v1/schedule/sf-muni/E
  8. api/v1/vehicleLocations/sf-muni/E/0
  9. stats



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