Live Link:
Server side: /~
- This website is about job seeking website. User can see jobs and apply jobs from here.
- Anyone can post job by login in. He or she can not apply who post the job.
- If the deadline is over no one can apply for the job.
- A beautiful and a footer is set in all page except error page.
- User can login with email and password which he/she used when sign up. Also login using his/her google account.
- All the information stored in mongoDB.
- Fetch data from mongodb using tanstack query.
- User who post the jobs can edit his/her jobs. Also can delete it.
- Also a theme toggling function implemented.
- secure data with jwt.
- ReactJS
- expressjs
- mongodb
- JavaScript
- Tailwind css
- daisyui
- react-hook-form
- react simple typewritter
- sweetalert2
- swiperjs
Packages are used in this project:
- framer motion package
- react hook form
- react to pdf
- react date picker
- Swiper JS
For client side
-> git clone-> npm install
-> npm run dev
For server side
-> git clone-> npm install
-> nodemon index.js