- Team Members
- Project Description
- Data Sets to be Used
- Rough Breakdown of Tasks
- Research Questions to Answer
- Randy Weaver
- Hannah Harrison
- Yang "Doris" Yu
- Abishua Prashanth
- This project is about the different covid vaccines that are currently on the market.
- The team will research various vaccines and case data to find differences among the vaccines that are currently available.
- TBD - vaccine data
- Create the Repo and add all team members - Randy - Complete
- Locate suitable data sets - all members - wip
- Build Jupyter Notebook and push to the repo - Prashanth - wip
- Are there differences among the vaccines?
- Do specific groups (age, sex, income) prefer a certain vaccine?
- What is the distribution of each vaccine (EG by state)?
- What are the side effects of each vaccine? What is the prevalence and severity?