In ancient times, the great city of Troy was destroyed by treachery & fire.... If you work together, can YOU escape?
- Kind of a big spaghetti-mess of code right now.
- Very much a work in progress.
- Old stuff was tucked away in the
directory. - Admittedly kind of cheeky.
- Currently implementing in React for the sake of a deep dive into learning React.
- Looking ahead to getting a playable demo into players’ hands - someday.
- Includes content originally created by Allen Snider & Kira Fitzpatrick
for WIAD Seattle 2019.
- Generally speaking, this material used under license or fair use guidelines; all rights reserved by the respective owners where relevant.
- For more details & a full list of citations & sources, please visit
- You will need Node.JS & NPM
cd local/new-ludus/
npm start
I welcome your questions & comments! Say