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Eases Dev Box Setup with Multipass compatible to both Windows and MacOS


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Local Dev Box Setup with Multipass

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Eases Dev Box Setup with Multipass, Docker & Ansible compatible with Windows, MacOS and Linux. Main purpose is to have a common way of configuring a development environment that is simple, fast and automated, with minimal dependencies

Tools MacOS Windows Linux
Package Manager homebrew scoop snap
Shell Default GitBash Default
Terminal iTerm2 cmder Default

Common Tools:

  1. Code Editors (IDE) - Jetbrains Tools, Visual Studio Code
  2. Virtualization Orchestrator - Multipass
  3. Containerization - Docker Desktop

FYI: Links provided only for packages that are not installed by Default

Limitations: Multipass will not work on Mac when connected to Cisco Any Connect.

Introductions & Installation Instruction For Prerequisite

Getting Started

Validate Prerequisite Installations or PreConditions

In Terminal

$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
$ ci/check_bats.bash -f .precondition

All 7 Tests should pass - if you have issues, double check the Installation Instruction

$ ./sandbox.bash
Usage: ./sandbox.bash  {up|down|status|logs}

   up               Provision, Configure, Validate Application Stack
   down             Application Stack
   status           Displays Status of Application Stack
   logs             Application Stack Log Dashboard

Dev Tools

Dev Tools cookie-cutter solution for cross cutting concerns like (Logging, Monitoring, Authentication etc)

Learn Mode

Learn Mode for step by step self learning

VM Configuration & Overriding Options

In order to override the default configuration file instance.env (optional)

$ cp instance.env dev.instance.env

Modify dev.instance.env to suit your needs. multipass.bash will pick up dev.instance.env if it is present else will default to instance.env. Note: dev.instance.env is excluded from check-in in .gitignore

What does the Script Do

Automates - Automates - Automates !!!

  1. Provides Workaround of Issue through cloud-init configuration by editing the /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml through script.
  2. Configuration driven - from provisioning to destroy of VM along with SSH Configuration
  3. Ability to connect and configure VM via Bastion Host - Making the experience seamless between Windows & Mac
  4. Test Driven Development for entire suite
  5. Modularization of Code for Easy Refactoring
  6. Workaround to invoke docker in a common way through wrapper both for windows and mac


 1. Adoption of Git Flow  ✅
 2. Add Automated Verification - CI 
        a. Travis (Linux Only) ✅
        b. GitHub Actions (Linux,Mac & Windows) ✅
 3. Configure VM through Ansible ✅
 4. Infrastrcuture Test Automation using py.test & TestInfra  ✅
 5. Centralized Logging ✅
 6. Log Shipper and Aggregation ✅
 7. HTTPS Support ✅
 8. CLI Builder ✅
 9. WebTail  ✅
 10. Edge Routing or Reverse Proxy Support  ✅
 11. Edge Routing or Reverse Proxy Support  ✅
 12. Dev Tools Container Mgmt  ✅
 13. OAuth2 + SSO -> Authentication Support  ✅
 14. System Monitoring
 15. Support for ADR
 16. Explore workarounds for  Multipass + Anyconnect Issue
 17. Authorization or Policy Mgmt
 18. Key or Secrets Management
 19. Status Aggregator
 20. AWS Support
 21. vSphere Support


SSH & Ansible Flow


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