Show highly customizable toast messages in your app built with Jetpack Compose.
Now with Jetpack Compose you can easily add toast to your existing app within 5 lines of code.
To get started with JetToast just add the maven url and the dependency
build.gradle (Project level)
allprojects {
repositories {
//Add this url
maven { url '' }
If you are using Android Studio Arctic Fox and do not have allProjects in build.gradle then add following maven url in settings.gradle like below
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
//Add this url
maven { url '' }
jcenter() // Warning: this repository is going to shut down soon
Once you have added the maven url now add the Stories dependency in the build.gradle (module level)
implementation 'com.github.raipankaj:JetToast:0.1.0'
Congratulations, you have successfully added the dependency. Now to get started with JetToast add the following code snippet
var showToast by remember {
message = "Simple Toast",
showToast = showToast,
afterToastShown = { showToast = it }
Toast composable provides an ability to change text color, background color, width, shape, enter/exit animation and many more options to customize the toast message. Here are all the parameters accepted by Toast composable.
fun Toast(
message: String,
showToast: Boolean,
afterToastShown: (Boolean) -> Unit,
toastDelay: ToastDelay = ToastDelay.ShortDelay,
shape: Shape = CircleShape,
background: Color = Color.Gray,
textColor: Color = Color.White,
alignment: Alignment = Alignment.BottomCenter,
fillMaxWidth: Boolean = false,
leadingIconSpace: Dp = 0.dp,
trailingIconSpace: Dp = 0.dp,
disableAutoHide: Boolean = false,
leadingContent: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
trailingContent: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null,
enter: EnterTransition = fadeIn(animationSpec = tween(500, easing = LinearEasing)),
exit: ExitTransition = fadeOut(animationSpec = tween(500, easing = LinearEasing)),
Here is a code snippet to show default toast
fun DefaultToast() {
var showToast by remember {
Column(Modifier.height(80.dp)) {
Text("Default Toast", Modifier.fillMaxWidth().clickable {
showToast = true
}, textAlign = TextAlign.Center)
message = "Simple Toast",
showToast = showToast,
afterToastShown = { showToast = it },
You can also show toast like a snackbar
fun FixedUntilClickToast() {
var showToast by remember {
Column(Modifier.height(80.dp)) {
Text("Fixed Until Click Toast", Modifier.fillMaxWidth().clickable {
showToast = true
}, textAlign = TextAlign.Center)
message = "Fixed Until Click Toast",
showToast = showToast,
afterToastShown = { showToast = it },
background = Color.Black,
trailingIconSpace = 4.dp,
disableAutoHide = true,
fillMaxWidth = true,
shape = RectangleShape,
trailingContent = {
Text(text = "OK", modifier = Modifier.clickable { showToast = false },
color = Color.White)
Here are all the supported types of Toast
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