Utilites to fetch licenses and package metadata for Debian based OSes
I built this tool over a weekend sometime back, because it was difficult to figure out the license information of all packages in Ubuntu in a clean form, and I wanted to experiment with few things. Hope it is useful you, kindly raise a PR or an issue on improvements needed.
pkgDB is a standalone tool that:
- Enables you to fetch ubuntu package and source metadata
- Scrape the net for package licenses
- Populate a databse with the metadata and license information
- A REST API interface to interact with the database
To try out the database over a REST interface:
git clone /~https://github.com/rahulunair/pkgDB && cd pkgDB/scripts
This tool populates a package database for all packages in Ubuntu along with its sources. The two primary tables
available in the database (packages.db
) are, sources
and binaries
Let's see some sample output of these tables
The binaries
table like the name suggests has all the metadata information regarding a package that can be installed
on Ubuntu using apt
As you can see, it shows the package name, version, os name, version, package license etc. The full list of columns is given below:
columns |
name |
version |
source |
maintainer |
homepage |
sha1 |
sha256 |
pkg_zip |
os_name |
os_version |
license |
The sources
table like the name suggests has all the metadata information regarding a source package for a binary that
can be installedon Ubuntu using apt
As you can see, it shows the source package name, version, binary packages associated with the source, os name, version, package license etc. The full list of columns is given below:
columns |
name |
version |
binaries |
source_url |
maintainer |
homepage |
sha1 |
sha256 |
pkg_zip |
os_name |
os_version |
license |
The tool has a REST API that can be used to interface with the database, the scripts
directory has a bash script to set up a local
packages db to query the database.
- Run a RESTAPI server to interface with the packages.db (
git clone /~https://github.com/rahulunair/pkgDB && cd pkgDB/scripts
INFO: Started server process [1533052]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Tortoise-ORM startup
connections: {'default': {'engine': 'tortoise.backends.sqlite', 'credentials': {'journal_mode': 'WAL', 'journal_size_limit': 16384, 'file_path': 'data/db/packages.db'}}}
apps: {'models': {'models': ['models'], 'default_connection': 'default'}}
INFO: Tortoise-ORM started, {'default': <tortoise.backends.sqlite.client.SqliteClient object at 0x7fd804c48b20>}, {'models': {'Binaries': <class 'models.Binaries'>, 'Sources': <class 'models.Sources'>}}
INFO: Application startup complete.
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
This is an OSS tool, any contribution is welcome as long as it is benificial to the community as a whole.