files description :
dctwatermarking file in this file we did the following steps : 1- load image & convert it to frequency domain using dct 2- embed the watermark into dct image using specific key 3- extract the watermark from watermarked image 4- calculate (PSNR , MSE , SIM) 5- display histogram for original & watermarked image 6- apply attack by adding Gaussian noise of power 0.02 to the image 7- calculate NC between watermarked image with & without noise 8- trying to extract the watermark after adding noise
dctWatermarkingHigh file in this file we did the same things as dctwatermarking file the only difference is that it adds & extracts the watermark in/from high frequency components
embededDWT file in this file we did the following steps : 1- load image & convert it to frequency domain using dwt 2- embed the watermark image into dwt image using specific key
extractDWT file 1- extract the watermark image from watermarked image 2- calculate (PSNR , MSE , SIM) 3- display histogram for original & watermarked image
attackDWT : 1- apply attack by adding noise of power 0.02 to the image 2- trying to extract the watermark after adding noise
- embededDWTWithHigh & extractdwtwithhigh file
in this file we did the same things as file embededDWT& extractDWT
the only difference is that it adds & extracts the watermark in/from high frequency components