Get Covid vaccine availability - Desktop alerts as well as optional Whatsapp notifications( Twilio setup needed ), whenever a vaccine slot gets available for your pincode as per CoWin site. Run directly from EXE with minimum steps and least complexity.
*screenshot is generated only for reference
- Script runs in local, directly from EXE
- Searches cowin site on basis of pincode / district every 5s
- No need to register on any 3rd party site and share details
- Feature to provide age limit, on which alert should be given
- Feature to provide minimum number of slots, vaccine type, dose type, on which alert should be given
- If slot found then gives alert sound( Dekstop alerts ) and ( Whatsapp alerts ) to configured number
- For Twilio Whatsapp setup, refer this link -
- Download ZIP package from here - /~
- Unzip file, it will unzip and show 1 file: covid_alert_whatsapp_exe.exe
- Double click covid_alert_whatsapp_exe.exe and follow on-screen instructions for one time auto configuration
- Script will alert automatically when a slot is available
- Please connect with me on to request access to source as people can misuse and overload CoWin site
- Unzip package ZIP
- Install Python 3.6.7+ , during installation please checkbox on "Add Python to PATH"
- Restart system for Python installation completion
- Optional step( for Whatsapp alerts ) - Setup Twilio -
- For windows users: Open the package folder, in the address bar above type CMD, press enter
- Run command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
in CMD - Optional step( for Whatsapp alerts ) - Setup Twilio( complex ) -
- Double click covid_alert_whatsapp_exe.exe follow on-screen instructions for one time auto configuration
Release 1.18 ( 06 June - 09:30 PM IST ):
- Added Dose-1 and Dose-2 filters
- Added filters for vaccine type
Release 1.17 ( 19th May - 08:59 PM IST ):
- Added logic to bypass cache on API
- Handled the Slot1 and Slot2 logic from API
- Added option for State and District ID search
Release 1.16 ( 14th May - 02:11 AM IST ):
- Created a simple UI for the application
Release 1.15 ( 11th May - 10:46 PM IST ):
- Whatsapp alert also shows the available slots at a center
- Also added feature, alert shows any slot available in future from today's date( not just today's availability )
Release 1.14 ( 10th May - 8:21 PM IST ):
- Replaced complexity of config.json manual setup with one time on-screen setup
- Made age limit as optional filter
- Whatsapp alert also shows the Center name
Release 1.13 ( 9th May - 12:35 PM IST ):
- Added feature to provide minimum number of slots as filter, on which alert should be given
Release 1.12 ( 9th May - 12:20 AM IST ):
- Fixed crash issue on some OS versions
- Added option to provide age limit, on which alert should be given