By RackN, October 2019
This content is used by RackN to showcase Multi-Site Management and Context features. It is designed to be used with Linode; however, the context can be easily adapted for uses.
The tooling is designed to be run from a Mac or Linux environment (eg your laptop). However, you may choose to spin up a very small Linode instance as a CentOS 7 linux install, and setup the prerequisites in that VM for control of the infrastructure.
The following files are required in the project root directory:
- RackN License file (you can generate via self-service)
- export LINODE_TOKEN=[your access token]
For complete prerequisites information, please see the Prerequisites Details below.
To setup the base site:
- Put rackn-license.json file in place
- Run the
command - Login to your Endpoint(s)
Once the machines are checked in as endpoints you need to update the endpoints to use the correct version sets. Remember that changing the DRP endpoint binary will require a reset in the UX. Also, changing the base token of the endpoint will invalidate your tokens and require a fresh login. DO NOT TRY TO USE THE Manager's UX while those changes are being made!
- Set the manager version sets
- manager should be paused
- add
, andsite-base-v4.2.1
- apply the manager changes
- Set the edge site version sets
- sites should be paused
- add
- apply the site changes
As a bonus, try to add something from the catalog at an edge site. The manager will reset the change!
To expand the cluster, you need to run the site-expand
workflow on all the edges.
- the
version set is required to set the node count to 3 instead of 0 - set the
There is a tricky hack to install k3s:
- the
profile is part of the manager content pack - the
workflow adds thek3s-demo
profile to each edge site via the API - the krib demo will work locally on the local profile - it is NOT mirrored by the manager in v4.1.
- since the profile also exists at the manager level the object the single-pane-of-glass updates will work.
- this will be addressed in a more elegant way in future versions.
This demo uses a static-catalog to reduce downloads. If you change the catalog reference file you should build your own catalog from it.
If you don't create one, the script will download a version from:
To build your own
- install a local dr-server
- build the catalog in your dr-server
drpcli plugins runaction manager buildCatalog
drpcli catalog updateLocal -c rackn-catalog.json
drpcli plugins runaction manager buildCatalog
- zip the local /var/lib/dr-server/tftpboot/files/rebar-catalog
To use, make sure the file is in the directory with when run.
These prerequisites are specific to Linux. They can be adapted to setup the requirements for MacOS X as well.
Create a Linode Token if you haven't already at:
From your laptop/workstation - prep your bootstrap manager.
export MGR=<IP_of_your_bootstrap_VM>
# make prep directory where github code and artifacts will be copied to
ssh root@$MGR "mkdir -p multi-site-demo"
# download the rackn license and save it to your local filesystem
# see the **RackN & License** section of an existing DRP Endpoint
# that has your License installed - or ask
# copy your license file to Linode Manager
scp ~/Downloads/rackn-license.json root@$MGR:
Login / connect to your bootstrap manager VM.
ssh root@$MGR
FROM the bootstrap manager, setup the multi-site demo prerequisites.
git clone /~
cd multi-site-demo
cp ../rackn-license.json .
IMPORTANT: set your``LINODE_TOKEN` environment variable!!!!
Now you can run the
Builds the cluster on Linode using Terraform and then does a bunch of setup and prep. Uses bootstrap processes, so minimal upload is required. Will create a 4 site manager.
Recommended to use -c [clustername]
so that your cluster is easy to identify in Linode.
There are a lot of other flags, look at the code to review them.
Used to create runner agents with workload for testing.
- -s ## = number of instances per site (default = 10)
- -r = remove test instances
Destroys all the VMs. Will use cloud-decommission to remove sites and wait for that to complete. Then uses Terraform locally to remove the manager.
Will NOT work (without -f) if there are machine entries beyond the Sites and Manager.
- -f = force cleanup even if there are other VMs