Configuration for WebGIS side of CCC (Client-Client Context) protocol.
CCC-Service: /~
The static config files are stored as JSON files in $CONFIG_PATH
with subdirectories for each tenant,
e.g. $CONFIG_PATH/default/*.json
. The default tenant name is default
- JSON schema
- File location:
"$schema": "",
"service": "mapinfo",
"config": {
"clients": [<Client configuration, see below>, ...],
"zoomto_data_service_url": "http://qwc-data-service:9090",
"zoomto_min_scale": 1000,
"zoomto_full_extent": [2590983.475, 1212806.115, 2646267.025, 1262755.009],
"zoomto_config": {<ZoomTo configuration, see below>}
Config options in the config file can be overridden by equivalent uppercase environment variables.
Variable | Description |
JSON serialized array of CCC client configurations, see below. |
Url to the the data service. |
Integer specifying the minimum zoom scale denominator. |
JSON serialized array of full canton extent. |
JSON serialized zoom data configuration, see below. |
The CCC client configuration is a JSON object of the form
"id": "<appId">,
"cccServer": "<ccc server address>",
"title": "<Client window title>",
"map": "<map name>",
"editGeomType": "<Point|LineString|Polygon>",
"notifyLayers": [
"layer": "<agdi_layer name>",
"mapping": [
"agdi_attr_name": "<agdi_attr_name>",
"ccc_attr_name": "<ccc_attr_name>"
"notifyLinkTitle": "<link title text>",
"minEditScale": <scale denominator>
corresponds to the application id which passed by the application to the web client via theappintegration
query parameter.cccServer
is the CCC server address, for examplews://localhost:8081/ccc-service
is the window title to be displayed in the web
the name of the map to load when the web client is opened by the application.editGeomType
specifies the type of geometry which is to be created oncreateGeoObject
is a list of layers whose feature attributes table should contain a link which sendsnotifyGeoObjectSelected
messages when clicked. Each entry of the list must contain:layer
: the technical layer namemapping
: a mapping from technical attribute names to CCC attribute names (NOTE: Only attributes included in this mapping will be part of the notifyGeoObjectSelected message).
is the title of the link which appears in feature attributes table and which sendsnotifyGeoObjectSelected
when clicked.minEditScale
is the minimum scale to which the client is allowed to zoom to when zooming to a feature as a result of aeditGeoObject
message. Defaults toCCC_ZOOMTO_MIN_SCALE
This object needs to be saved in JSON serialized form in the CCC_CLIENT_CONFIG
environment variable.
The CCC ZoomTo configuration is a JSON object of the form
"locatorType": "<locatorType>",
"filters": [
"dataset": "<AGDI dataset name>",
"filter": <Data service filter expression, see below>,
"datasetbbox": [<x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2>],
"minScale": <scale deominator>
: A locator type as specified by thezoomTo
CCC message data, for instancePriorityLocator
: The AGDI dataset name to use in data service/{dataset}
: A filter expression to pass to/{dataset}
. Placeholders for the fields passed in thezoomTo
CCC message data can be specified enclosed in curly braces. For example[["nummer", "=", "{parzelle_nr}"], "and", ["nbident", "=", "{grundbuch_nbident}"]]
will result in a filter expression containing the values forparzelle_nr
contained in thezoomTo
CCC message data.datasetbbox
: The bbox to pass to/{dataset}
. If unset, defaults toCCC_ZOOMTO_CANTON_EXTENT
: The minimum scale to which the client is allowed to zoom to, defaults toCCC_ZOOMTO_MIN_SCALE
This object needs to be saved in JSON serialized form in the CCC_ZOOMTO_CONFIG
environment variable.
API documentation:
Third-party applications are expected to pair with the Web Client by opening appending following parameters to the Web Client URL
: The ID of the application initiating the pairingsession
: A session UUID without enclosing curly braces
Install dependencies and run service:
uv run src/
With config path:
Run all tests: