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SO!GIS CCC config service

Configuration for WebGIS side of CCC (Client-Client Context) protocol.

CCC-Service: /~


The static config files are stored as JSON files in $CONFIG_PATH with subdirectories for each tenant, e.g. $CONFIG_PATH/default/*.json. The default tenant name is default.

CCC config

  • JSON schema
  • File location: $CONFIG_PATH/<tenant>/cccConfig.json


  "$schema": "",
  "service": "mapinfo",
  "config": {
    "clients": [<Client configuration, see below>, ...],
    "zoomto_data_service_url": "http://qwc-data-service:9090",
    "zoomto_min_scale": 1000,
    "zoomto_full_extent": [2590983.475, 1212806.115, 2646267.025, 1262755.009],
    "zoomto_config": {<ZoomTo configuration, see below>}

Environment variables

Config options in the config file can be overridden by equivalent uppercase environment variables.

Variable Description
CLIENTS JSON serialized array of CCC client configurations, see below.
ZOOMTO_DATA_SERVICE_URL Url to the the data service.
ZOOMTO_MIN_SCALE Integer specifying the minimum zoom scale denominator.
ZOOMTO_FULL_EXTENT JSON serialized array of full canton extent.
ZOOMTO_CONFIG JSON serialized zoom data configuration, see below.

CCC Client Configuration

The CCC client configuration is a JSON object of the form

    "id": "<appId">,
    "cccServer": "<ccc server address>",
    "title": "<Client window title>",
    "map": "<map name>",
    "editGeomType": "<Point|LineString|Polygon>",
    "notifyLayers": [
            "layer": "<agdi_layer name>",
            "mapping": [
                    "agdi_attr_name": "<agdi_attr_name>",
                    "ccc_attr_name": "<ccc_attr_name>"
    "notifyLinkTitle": "<link title text>",
    "minEditScale": <scale denominator>
  • appId corresponds to the application id which passed by the application to the web client via the appintegration query parameter.
  • cccServer is the CCC server address, for example ws://localhost:8081/ccc-service.
  • title is the window title to be displayed in the web client.
  • map the name of the map to load when the web client is opened by the application.
  • editGeomType specifies the type of geometry which is to be created on createGeoObject.
  • notifyLayers is a list of layers whose feature attributes table should contain a link which sends notifyGeoObjectSelected messages when clicked. Each entry of the list must contain:
    • layer: the technical layer name
    • mapping: a mapping from technical attribute names to CCC attribute names (NOTE: Only attributes included in this mapping will be part of the notifyGeoObjectSelected message).
  • notifyLinkTitle is the title of the link which appears in feature attributes table and which sends notifyGeoObjectSelected when clicked.
  • minEditScale is the minimum scale to which the client is allowed to zoom to when zooming to a feature as a result of a editGeoObject message. Defaults to CCC_ZOOMTO_MIN_SCALE.

This object needs to be saved in JSON serialized form in the CCC_CLIENT_CONFIG environment variable.

CCC ZoomTo Configuration

The CCC ZoomTo configuration is a JSON object of the form

    "locatorType": "<locatorType>",
    "filters": [
            "dataset": "<AGDI dataset name>",
            "filter": <Data service filter expression, see below>,
            "datasetbbox": [<x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2>],
            "minScale": <scale deominator>
  • locatorType: A locator type as specified by the zoomTo CCC message data, for instance PriorityLocator.
  • dataset: The AGDI dataset name to use in data service /{dataset}.
  • filter: A filter expression to pass to /{dataset}. Placeholders for the fields passed in the zoomTo CCC message data can be specified enclosed in curly braces. For example [["nummer", "=", "{parzelle_nr}"], "and", ["nbident", "=", "{grundbuch_nbident}"]] will result in a filter expression containing the values for parzelle_nr and grundbuch_nbident contained in the zoomTo CCC message data.
  • datasetbbox: The bbox to pass to /{dataset}. If unset, defaults to CCC_ZOOMTO_CANTON_EXTENT.
  • minScale: The minimum scale to which the client is allowed to zoom to, defaults to CCC_ZOOMTO_MIN_SCALE.

This object needs to be saved in JSON serialized form in the CCC_ZOOMTO_CONFIG environment variable.


API documentation:


Pairing of Web Client with third party application

Third-party applications are expected to pair with the Web Client by opening appending following parameters to the Web Client URL

  • appintegration: The ID of the application initiating the pairing
  • session: A session UUID without enclosing curly braces



Install dependencies and run service:

uv run src/

With config path:



Run all tests:



CCC Client Configuration Service







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Contributors 3
